Towing Invoice Template

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As a tow truck driver, you take great pride in your work. You know that when people call you, they are usually having a bad day. You do your best to help them out and get them back on the road as quickly as possible.

But, at the end of the day, you still have to send them a bill. And if you're like most tow truck drivers, you don't enjoy that part of the job.

Creating a towing invoice template can help make the billing process a little bit easier. A towing invoice template outlines the services you provide to customers, the charges for those services, and any other relevant information.

A well-crafted towing invoice template ensures that you are paid promptly and that your customers are satisfied with the service they received.

Why use a towing invoice template?

Tow truck drivers are often independent contractors, which means they don't have the same resources as larger businesses. This can make it difficult to create professional-looking invoices.

A towing service invoice template takes care of the heavy lifting for you as a tow truck operator. And here's how:

It helps maintain professionalism

Your towing company is built on your reputation. You work hard to provide quality service to your customers, and a towing invoice template can help you maintain that professional image.

It saves you time

The last thing you want to do after a long day of work is spend hours creating invoices.

A towing service invoice template can help you save time by allowing you to quickly and easily create invoices for your customers. With a towing invoice template, you don't have to start from scratch each time you need to send a bill. Simply fill out the relevant information and send it off.

It ensures accuracy

When you're dealing with customer billing, accuracy is essential. A trucking invoice template can help you avoid mistakes by providing a clear and concise outline of the services you provided and the charges for those services.

It keeps you organized

If you're dealing with multiple customers, it can be difficult to keep track of who owes you what. A template can help you stay organized and keep more complete financial records while making sure that everyone pays their bill on time.

It ensures consistency

A towing invoice template ensures that your invoices always look the same. As a result, your customers will know what to expect when they receive a bill from you, and you'll be able to stand out from other towing companies.

Towing invoice template breakdown

Let's take a closer look at what goes into a towing invoice template.

Here's a breakdown of the essential elements:

Towing services

This is the section where you will list out the services that were provided along with a description of each service. Be sure to include the date, time, vehicle information, and location of each service. You should also include any special instructions that were given when providing roadside assistance.

For example:

Towing services provided:

  • Towed vehicle from 123 Main Street on March 15 at noon.
  • Vehicle was towed to 321 Elm Street.
  • Special instructions: The vehicle is inoperable and must be stored indoors.

Towing charges

In this section, you will itemize the charges for each service that was provided. Be sure to include any applicable taxes and fees when you request payment.

For example:


  • Towing fee: $75.00
  • Storage fee: $25.00/day
  • Total: $100.00

After itemizing the services, you'll need to include the total cost. For example:

  • Total due: $100.00
  • Due date: March 20
  • Late fee: $25.00/day

Additional charges

In some cases, you may need to include additional charges on your invoice. For example, if you provided storage services, you'll need to include those charges in this section.

Contact information

This is where you will include your contact information as well as the contact information for the customer. Be sure to include your business name, address, phone number, and email address. You should also include the customer's name, address, phone number, and email address.

Payment terms

The payment terms section is where you'll outline the terms of payment. This should include the due date, the payment method that you accept, and any late fees or interest charges that may apply.

Additional notes

Finally, be sure to thank your customers for their business. This is a small but important gesture that can help build goodwill with your clients. Also, include a call to action in this section, such as “Please contact us if you have any questions.”

That said, a perfect towing invoice template needs to be:

  • Clear and easy to understand – No one wants to receive an invoice that's difficult to understand. A great towing invoice is clear, concise, and easy to read. All of the information should be laid out in an easily digestible format.
  • Accurate – It's important to double-check your work to ensure that all of the charges are accurate. You don't want to overcharge or undercharge your customers.
  • Complete – Be sure to include all of the essential elements we listed above. This will help you avoid any confusion or misunderstandings down the road.
  • Professional – Remember, your invoices are a reflection of your business. A great towing invoice is professional-looking and free of any typos or grammatical errors.
  • Timely – You should always strive to send your invoices promptly. This will help you get paid faster and avoid any disruptions in your cash flow.

Download Bonsai's towing invoice template for free

Creating a towing invoice form from scratch can be time-consuming and frustrating – you have to worry about the layout, the wording, and making sure you don't forget any important details.

Luckily, Bonsai has a towing invoice template that takes care of all the heavy lifting for you. By using our invoice templates, you can save time, avoid mistakes, and keep your business organized. Best of all, our template is free to use.

All you need to do is download the invoice pdf template, fill out the required information, and send it to your customers.

Get started today and see how easy it is to get paid on time, every time.

Towing Invoice Template
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about this template.

What is the best invoice template for towers?

Make the invoice template from Bonsai. After that, include the following information: your name, address, phone number, email address, company logo, clients' contact information, a list of the services you supplied, and the total cost.

How do I create an invoice for towing services?

On a document include information about your company, clients, logo, contact information, invoice number, issuance date, due date, and payment information. Alternatively, you can try Bonsai's free templates. Customize our pre-made templates to impress your clients.

Does Google Docs have invoice templates?

Using Google, you may either download one of their templates or start from scratch and produce an invoice. But the invoicing program from Bonsai is far better. Simply provide the necessary information, including your logo, and send the invoice.