Master Service Agreement Template

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A master service agreement is an essential tool to keep your clients on the same page. In today's business world, small misunderstandings can lead to heavy losses. This means that businesses and clients rely on a robust communication system. Therefore, there needs to be a way to remove uncertainties. In this instance, a service agreement does the trick.

Unfortunately, many entrepreneurs and business owners are still uncertain about where to start. This article will let you know all there is about service agreements. Furthermore, you will also find a template to start off strong and maintain your clients properly. So let's get into it.

What is a master service agreement?

An MSA is a legal contract that sets the framework for a long-term business relationship between you and your clients. It is a comprehensive document that outlines the terms and conditions that govern the relationship between the parties involved. An MSA establishes the rights and obligations of you and your clients and provides a framework for future transactions.

Typically, an MSA outlines the general terms and conditions of the business relationship, including payment terms, intellectual property rights, confidentiality clauses, warranties, termination clauses, and dispute resolution mechanisms. It is usually accompanied by specific project agreements that outline the details of each specific project or transaction that takes place under the MSA.

Why is having a master service agreement so important?

Having an MSA in place for your business is crucial for several reasons. Firstly, it lays out the foundation for your relationship with your client. This will help smooth things with them and allow you to start off strong. When you and your client know what to expect, any misunderstandings' chances drastically decrease.

Furthermore, the MSA will streamline the negotiation process and make it easier to perform future transactions. Once the groundwork is laid, further negotiations can be completed smoothly. In addition, the agreement will protect the intellectual rights of the parties. Finally, it will keep you safe from potential scams and harm, as well as your client.

Because of these reasons, having an MSA is essential for risk mitigation. Considering it is a legal document, it provides adequate protection. In addition, having an MSA in place can help to build trust and establish a long-term business relationship between the parties. An MSA can help foster a sense of stability and predictability in the business relationship by providing a framework for future transactions.

To summarize, a master service agreement is a comprehensive legal contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a long-term business relationship between two parties. Having an MSA in place is important because it provides clarity and transparency, streamlines the negotiation process, protects intellectual property rights, mitigates risk, and helps to build trust between the parties.

Key components of a master service agreement

To ensure the effectiveness of a service agreement, it must have the following key components. Keep in mind that every MSA is tailor-made for a business. However, the following elements need to be exhibited.

Scope of services rendered

The scope of services rendered is an essential component of an MSA. It outlines the specific services you will provide to the client under the terms of the agreement. Here are some of the key components of the scope of services rendered in an MSA:

1. Description of services

This section outlines the specific services that will be provided to the client. It should be as detailed and specific as possible to avoid misunderstandings later on.

2. Deliverables

The deliverables section outlines the specific products or outcomes that you will deliver to the client. This includes reports, software, hardware, or tangible or intangible deliverables.

3. Timeline

The timeline section outlines the timeframe for delivering the services and deliverables. This includes deadlines for milestones, project completion, and any other important dates.

4. Service level agreements (SLAs)

The SLAs section outlines the level of service that you will provide to the client. This can include response times, uptime guarantees, and other measurable metrics.

1. Staffing requirements

This section outlines the number and type of personnel that you will assign to the project. This can include project managers, engineers, consultants, and other staff.

2. Reporting requirements

This section outlines the specific reports that you will provide to the client. This can include status reports, progress reports, financial reports, and other reports.

3. Change control procedures

The change control procedures section outlines the process for making changes to the scope of services, timeline, or other key components of the agreement. This includes how changes will be proposed, approved, and implemented.

What deliverables and timelines should be expected

Deliverables are the specific products, services, or results that you provide to your clients under the MSA. These may include goods, software, reports, or other tangible or intangible items. The MSA should specify the deliverables clearly and precisely, including any requirements or specifications that the parties agree upon.

Timelines are the schedules or deadlines for the delivery of the deliverables under the MSA. The timelines should be realistic and achievable, considering both parties' resources and capabilities. The MSA should specify the timelines for each deliverable and any milestones or checkpoints along the way.

The MSA should also include provisions for addressing any delays or issues that may arise during the project, such as changes in scope, unforeseen events, or disputes between the parties. These provisions may include mechanisms for amending the MSA, resolving disputes, or terminating the agreement if necessary.

Terms of payment and pricing structure

The Terms of Payment and Pricing Structure are essential components of a master service agreement that govern the financial aspects of the relationship between you and your client. These provisions set out the pricing and payment terms for the goods or services provided under the agreement.

The pricing structure outlines the fees, charges, and expenses associated with the project. This may include the hourly rates for any professional services you provide, the costs of materials or equipment, and any other fees or expenses that you agreed upon with the client. The pricing structure should be clear and detailed, with a breakdown of all costs associated with the project.

In addition to the pricing and payment terms, the MSA may also include provisions for resolving disputes related to pricing or payment. For example, the agreement may outline procedures for resolving disagreements over billing or for addressing disputes related to changes in the scope of the project or unexpected expenses.

Confidentiality or Non-disclosure Agreement (NDA)

Confidentiality, also known as a non-disclosure agreement (NDA), is a common provision in a master service agreement that protects the confidential information of you and your client. This provision is especially important when the project involves the exchange of sensitive information or trade secrets.

The confidentiality provision generally requires the parties to keep confidential information they receive confidentially and use it only for the purposes of the project. Confidential information may include technical data, customer lists, financial information, business plans, or other proprietary information that is not generally known to the public.

The MSA may also include provisions related to disclosing confidential information, such as specifying who may have access to the information and under what conditions. For example, the agreement may require that the parties limit access to confidential information to only those employees or contractors who need it to perform their duties.

IP (Intellectual property) rights

Intellectual Property (IP) rights are an important consideration in an MSA when the project involves creating or using any intellectual property. IP refers to the legal rights associated with original creative works, such as patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade secrets.

The MSA should specify the ownership and rights to any intellectual property created during the project, including any pre-existing intellectual property that may be used or modified as part of the project. This may include software code, design elements, written materials, or other works that are subject to IP protection.

The MSA should also outline the licensing and usage rights for any intellectual property that is owned by one party but used or modified by the other party during the project. For example, if you provide a proprietary software program for the project, the MSA may specify the terms under which your client may use or modify the software.

Warranties and disclaimers

Warranties are promises made by one party to the other regarding the quality or performance of the goods or services being provided. For example, a warranty may promise that a product will be free from defects or that a service will be performed professionally.

The MSA should include clear and specific warranties that are relevant to the project and the goods or services being provided. The warranties should be fair, reasonable, and not overly broad or vague.

Disclaimers, on the other hand, are statements that limit or exclude the liability of one party for certain types of damages or losses. For example, a disclaimer may limit your liability for any indirect or consequential damages arising from using their services.

Limitation of liability

The limitation of liabilities clause in an MSA is an important provision that specifies the maximum amount of damages that a party may be liable for in the event of a breach of contract or other dispute arising from the project.

This clause limits the amount of risk that each party assumes when entering into the agreement, and can help minimize the potential for costly litigation or other legal action. The limitation of liabilities clause may include various types of limitations, such as:

1. Caps on Damages

This type of limitation specifies a maximum dollar amount that a party may be liable for in case of a breach or other dispute. For example, the agreement may cap your liability at the amount paid for the services under the contract.

2. Exclusions of Certain Types of Damages

This type of limitation excludes certain types of damages from being recoverable, such as consequential or indirect damages, lost profits, or punitive damages.

3. Indemnification

This type of limitation shifts liability for certain types of damages from one party to another. For example, the agreement may require your client to indemnify you for damages from using the goods or services provided under the contract.

Termination and cancellation

Termination and cancellation provisions in an MSA address the circumstances and procedures under which either party may end the agreement before the completion of the project.

Furthermore, termination refers to the ending of the agreement before the work has been completed. In contrast, cancellation refers to the ending of the agreement after the work has been completed but before the final payment has been made.

The MSA should specify the circumstances under which either party may terminate or cancel the agreement. For example, the agreement may provide for termination or cancellation in the event of a breach of the agreement, a failure to meet deadlines or performance standards, or a change in circumstances that makes it impossible or impractical to complete the project.

Governing law and dispute resolution

The Governing Law clause specifies which jurisdiction's laws will apply to the agreement. This clause is important because it determines the legal framework that will be used to interpret and enforce the MSA.

The Dispute Resolution clause specifies how any disputes arising from the MSA will be resolved. Several common dispute-resolution methods exist. Mediation is a process in which a neutral third party helps the parties to reach a mutually acceptable resolution. Arbitration is a more formal process in which an arbitrator is appointed to hear the dispute and make a binding decision. Finally, litigation involves resolving the dispute in court.

The Dispute Resolution clause may also specify the location of any dispute resolution proceedings and the language that will be used in those proceedings. Therefore, it is important to carefully consider the Dispute Resolution clause when drafting an MSA, as it can significantly impact the cost and time required to resolve any disputes that may arise.

What are the benefits of using a master service agreement template?

There are numerous benefits to using an MSA. A fully-fleshed agreement can help you out as it provides consistency, time-saving, greater customization, and risk mitigation.


MSAs provide a standardized set of terms and conditions that can be used across multiple projects or engagements. This consistency helps ensure that both parties clearly understand their rights and obligations, which can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes.

It provides a standard framework for the agreement, which can help you eliminate confusion and misunderstandings between your clients. This can be particularly useful when working with multiple clients, ensuring that all parties work from the same playbook.

By establishing a consistent set of terms and conditions, the MSA can help to streamline the negotiation process and reduce the time and effort required to finalize agreements.

Another benefit of a master service agreement template is that it can help ensure consistency in service quality. By establishing clear expectations and standards for the services to be provided, the MSA can help to ensure that the services are delivered consistently and meet the needs of the business.

This can be particularly important in industries where quality and consistency are critical, such as healthcare, manufacturing, and construction.

Efficiency and time savings

MSAs can save time by reducing the need to negotiate individual contracts for each project or engagement. Once the MSA is in place, subsequent projects or engagements can be established using the agreed-upon terms and conditions without the need for additional negotiation.

Additionally, an MSA template can save time by simplifying the contract management process. Instead of managing multiple contracts with different clients, you can use a single MSA that covers all of the necessary services.

This can reduce the administrative burden of contract management and help ensure that all contracts are up-to-date and compliant with legal requirements. In addition, using a standard template can help eliminate confusion and misunderstandings, saving time and reducing the risk of errors.

Another time-saving benefit of a master service agreement template is that it can provide clarity and consistency in the terms and conditions of the agreement. This can reduce the time and effort required to review contracts and ensure that all parties are on the same page.

Contract customization

While MSAs provide a standardized set of terms and conditions, they can also be customized to meet the parties' specific needs. For example, the MSA may include provisions that address the unique requirements of a particular industry or sector.

An MSA template can be customized to reflect a business's unique needs and requirements. While the template provides a standard framework for the agreement, it can be modified to include additional terms and conditions that are specific to the business or industry.

Secondly, an MSA template can be customized to reflect the specific services that will be provided. So, while the template provides a general framework for the agreement, it can be modified to include specific details about your services, such as the scope of work, timelines, and deliverables.

Risk mitigation

MSAs can help mitigate risk by addressing important issues such as liability, indemnification, and confidentiality. By addressing these issues in the MSA, both parties can better understand the risks associated with the engagement. As a result, they can take steps to mitigate those risks.

One benefit of an MSA template in terms of risk mitigation is that it can help clarify each party's roles and responsibilities. In addition, the template establishes a framework for the agreement, including the standard terms and conditions that will apply to the relationship between the parties.

Additionally, an MSA template can help to mitigate risks by establishing clear guidelines for performance and quality standards. The template can outline specific metrics or criteria that must be met by you, which can help to ensure that the services provided meet the expectations of the business.

How to draft a master service agreement template

Drafting a master service agreement template requires a lot of careful preparation. You will need to consider the following factors to develop a robust, effective template for your business.

Understanding business needs

Understanding the business needs of your client and business is crucial when drafting an MSA template. The MSA should be tailored to the specific needs of the parties and the particular industry or sector in which they operate. Here are some ways in which understanding your business needs plays a role in drafting an MSA:

1. Identifying Services

The MSA should clearly identify the services that you will provide. This requires a thorough understanding of the client's business needs and the specific services that are required to meet those needs.

2. Establishing Standards

The MSA should establish performance standards that meet the client's needs while being achievable by your business. The standards should be objective, measurable, and realistic.

3. Setting Payment Terms

The MSA should clearly set out payment terms that reflect the business needs of both parties. For example, the payment terms should consider the services' scope, the engagement length, and the payment schedule.

4. Defining Responsibilities

The MSA should clearly define the responsibilities of each party. This requires a thorough understanding of the client's business needs and each party's specific roles and responsibilities in meeting those needs.

5. Addressing Risks

The MSA should address potential risks that may arise during the engagement, including risks related to data security, confidentiality, and intellectual property. Understanding the client's business needs and the specific risks associated with the engagement is crucial in drafting an effective risk mitigation strategy.

Researching and analyzing industry standards

Researching and analyzing industry standards is an important part of drafting an MSA template. Understanding industry standards and best practices can help ensure that your MSA is effective, relevant, and competitive. Here are some ways in which researching and analyzing industry standards plays a role in drafting an MSA:

1. Identifying Industry Practices

Researching industry practices and standards can help you and your clients identify common practices and expectations in the industry. This can help ensure that the MSA reflects current industry practices and is competitive regarding service offerings, pricing, and performance standards.

2. Ensuring Compliance

Researching industry standards can help ensure that the MSA complies with applicable laws and regulations. For example, certain industries may have specific legal or regulatory requirements to address in the MSA.

3. Establishing Performance Standards

Researching industry standards can help establish performance standards that are consistent with industry best practices. This can help ensure that you are meeting the client's expectations and that the client is receiving high-quality services.

4. Addressing Industry-Specific Risks

Researching industry standards can help identify industry-specific risks and vulnerabilities that should be addressed in the MSA. For example, the MSA may need to address data security, confidentiality, or intellectual property risks that are specific to the industry.

5. Enhancing Negotiations

Researching industry standards can help both parties negotiate the terms of the MSA more effectively. In addition, understanding industry practices and standards can help both parties understand the value of the services being offered and can help them negotiate fair and reasonable terms.

Collaboration with stakeholders

Collaboration with stakeholders is another critical component of drafting an MSA template. Stakeholders can include your business, the client, legal counsel, and other relevant parties. Collaboration helps ensure that the MSA reflects all parties' needs and expectations and effectively achieves the desired outcomes. Here are some ways in which collaboration with stakeholders plays a role in drafting an MSA:

1. Identifying Business Needs

Collaboration with stakeholders can help identify the specific business needs of both parties. This can help ensure that the MSA is tailored to meet those needs and effectively achieves the desired outcomes.

2. Reviewing and Revising Drafts

Collaboration with stakeholders can help ensure that all relevant parties review and revise the MSA. This can help identify any issues or concerns early on in the process and can help ensure that the final agreement is acceptable to all parties.

3. Clarifying Expectations

Collaboration with stakeholders can help clarify expectations regarding the scope of services, performance standards, and other key aspects of the engagement. This can help prevent misunderstandings and disputes down the road.

4. Addressing Complex Issues

Collaboration with stakeholders can help address complex legal or business issues that may arise during the drafting process.

Seeking legal advice

Seeking legal advice is an important step in drafting an MSA template because it ensures that the document is legally sound and comprehensive. An MSA is a contract that outlines the terms and conditions of a business relationship between you and your client.

It typically includes provisions such as the scope of work, payment terms, intellectual property rights, warranties, liability, and dispute resolution. Legal advice can help in the following ways:

1. Ensuring compliance

Legal advice can help ensure that the MSA template complies with all relevant laws and regulations. This includes industry-specific regulations and general legal principles such as contract law.

2. Reducing risk

Legal advice can identify potential risks and liabilities associated with the MSA and help draft provisions to mitigate them. This can include indemnification provisions, liability limitations, and warranties.

3. Tailoring the MSA

Legal advice can help tailor the MSA to the specific needs of the business and the nature of the services being provided. This can include drafting custom clauses and provisions tailored to the business's unique needs.

4. Ensuring clarity

Legal advice can help ensure that the MSA is clear and unambiguous so that both parties understand their rights and obligations. This can help reduce the risk of disputes and misunderstandings.

5. Enforcing the MSA

Legal advice can help ensure that the MSA is enforceable in a court of law in case a dispute arises between the parties. This can include drafting dispute resolution clauses and provisions related to the choice of law and jurisdiction.

Finalizing the MSA template

Once you have all the details, you can recheck it one last time before finalizing it. The template should be well-researched and thorough. Furthermore, it should be tailored to your clientele. If the template passes a quality assessment and aligns with your business, you're good to go. While it is possible to create this document on your own from scratch, you can now see that there are many many moving parts to this document. As such, it is extremely important to make sure each section is carefully vetted by a legal professional. Alternatively you can download Bonsai's MSA agreement template. Our templates have been vetted by legal professionals to ensure that they are bulletproof and usable out of the box.

Best practices for using a master service agreement template

When developing your own template, be sure to follow these best practices. This will help you make the best template for your situation.

Keeping the template up-to-date

Keeping an MSA template up-to-date is a good practice for several reasons:

1. Changes in laws and regulations

Laws and regulations related to the industry or the services provided may change over time. Updating the MSA template to reflect these changes can help ensure that the agreement remains legally compliant.

2. Changes in business practices

As the business evolves and grows, its practices and policies may change. Updating the MSA template to reflect these changes can help ensure that the agreement accurately reflects the business's current practices.

3. Addressing new risks

Over time, new risks may emerge that were not previously addressed in the MSA template. Updating the template to include provisions that address these risks can help reduce the likelihood of disputes and mitigate potential liabilities.

4. Improving clarity

Over time, it may become apparent that certain provisions in the MSA template are unclear or ambiguous. Updating the template to clarify these provisions can help reduce the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.

5. Staying competitive

As the market and industry evolve, it may become necessary to update the MSA template to remain competitive with other businesses. Updating the template to include new provisions or to improve existing ones can help ensure that the business remains competitive in the market.

Tailoring the template to the specific project

Tailoring the MSA agreement to the specific project is important for several reasons:

1. Meeting the project's unique requirements

Each project is unique, with its own specific requirements, objectives, and risks. Tailoring the MSA template to the specific project can help ensure that the agreement accurately reflects these unique requirements and reduces the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.

2. Managing project-specific risks

Each project comes with its own specific risks, such as project delays, budget overruns, and quality issues. Fitting the MSA template to the specific project can help address these risks and mitigate potential liabilities.

3. Addressing project-specific concerns

Each project may also have specific concerns that need to be addressed in the MSA. For example, if the project involves sensitive information or intellectual property, the MSA may need to include specific confidentiality or intellectual property provisions.

4. Improving clarity

The agreement can be made clearer and more specific by tailoring the MSA template to the specific project, reducing the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.

5. Demonstrating attention to detail

Tailoring the MSA template to the specific project can demonstrate to the client that you are attentive to their needs and committed to delivering a successful project.

Clearly communicating with the other party

Clearly communicating with the other party regarding the MSAs is important for several reasons:

1. Ensuring mutual understanding

Clear communication helps ensure that both parties understand the terms and conditions of the MSA. This can help reduce the risk of misunderstandings and disputes.

2. Building trust

Clear communication helps build trust between the parties. When both parties understand the terms of the MSA, they are more likely to trust each other and work collaboratively to achieve the project's objectives.

3. Avoiding surprises

Clear communication helps avoid surprises. When both parties understand the terms of the MSA, there are no surprises that could cause delays or disrupt the project.

4. Facilitating negotiations

Clear communication can facilitate negotiations. If either party has concerns or questions about the MSA, clear communication can help identify these issues early on and facilitate negotiations to resolve them.

5. Reducing the risk of disputes

Clear communication helps reduce the risk of disputes. It ensures that both parties understand the terms of the MSA and addressing any concerns or questions early on makes misunderstandings or disputes arising later in the project less likely.

Ensuring all parties understand the terms

Ensuring that all parties understand the terms of an MSA is crucial for several reasons:

1. Avoiding misunderstandings

A clear understanding of the terms of the MSA can prevent misunderstandings between the parties. When both parties understand the same thing about the services, timelines, and responsibilities, they are less likely to have conflicting expectations.

2. Reducing the risk of disputes

When both parties have a clear understanding of the terms of the MSA, there is less chance of disputes arising during the course of the project. Disputes often arise due to misunderstandings or differing interpretations of contractual terms.

3. Ensuring legal compliance

Both parties must understand the terms of the MSA to ensure legal compliance. For example, suppose either party is not aware of the obligations and requirements outlined in the MSA. In that case, there is a risk of non-compliance, which can lead to legal consequences.

4. Building trust

Ensuring that all parties understand the MSA terms helps build trust between the parties. Clear communication and understanding promote a cooperative relationship and increase the likelihood of a successful project outcome.

5. Minimizing risks

A clear understanding of the MSA terms can minimize the risk of project-related losses, such as financial losses, time delays, and reputational damage. In addition, when both parties clearly understand the MSA terms, they can manage potential risks more effectively.

Common misconceptions about master service agreements

The mass adoption of MSAs has been hindered largely because of some misconceptions. As a result, business owners generally are unaware of what MSAs are and what they represent. This section should provide you with the right guidance so you can make the best choice for your brand.

Master service agreements are unnecessary

There are several common misconceptions about MSAs, one of which is that they are unnecessary. This misconception is often based on several misunderstandings of what MSAs are and what they are used for.

Some people believe that verbal agreements or email exchanges are sufficient to establish a working relationship with a client. However, these informal agreements can be ambiguous and do not provide the level of detail and protection that a formal MSA can offer.

Moreover, some people believe that MSAs are too expensive or time-consuming to draft and negotiate. However, the cost of not having an MSA can be much higher in terms of legal fees, delays, and disputes arising from misunderstandings or disagreements between the parties.

They are only useful for big companies

Another common misconception about master service agreements is that they are only useful for big companies. This misconception is inaccurate as MSAs are useful for companies of all sizes, whether small, medium, or large.

Small businesses often believe they do not need legal protection as they assume they are not as vulnerable as larger companies. However, small businesses also face legal risks. MSAs can protect them by outlining clear terms and conditions for their services.

Furthermore, small businesses often believe that they do not require long-term agreements since they may not have the same capacity as larger companies to commit to long-term contracts. However, an MSA can help small businesses establish long-term relationships with clients, providing them with stability and continuity.

Also, small businesses often assume that they do not have the resources to create an MSA, including the time, legal knowledge, and budget. However, MSAs can be tailored to meet a small business's specific needs, and online resources can help create them.

Lastly, some people believe that MSAs are too complex for small businesses and that they will struggle to understand and negotiate them. However, MSAs can be tailored to meet the specific needs of a small business, and it is essential to consult with legal counsel to ensure that the MSA is appropriate for the business.

They are inflexible

Another common misconception about MSAs is that they are inflexible. This misconception stems from the assumption that an MSA is a one-size-fits-all agreement that cannot be customized to meet the specific needs of each project. However, this is not the case, as MSAs are typically tailored to meet the specific needs of each project.

Some people assume that MSAs are standard templates that cannot be customized to fit the unique needs of each project. However, MSAs are typically tailored to meet the specific needs of each project, including the scope of work, timelines, and payment terms.

Often, some businesses and people believe that MSAs cannot be modified once they are signed, leading them to believe that they are inflexible. However, MSAs can be modified if both parties agree to the changes and sign an amendment to the original agreement.

Some people believe that MSAs are too complex, making it difficult to modify them to fit the unique needs of each project. However, legal counsel can help both parties understand the terms of the MSA and suggest modifications to fit the project's specific requirements.

Finally, some people believe that MSAs are rigid, meaning that they cannot accommodate changes in the project scope or timeline. However, MSAs can be updated if both parties agree to the changes and sign an amendment to the original agreement.

How often should I update my master service agreement template?

The frequency of updating your MSA template will depend on a few factors, including changes in the law, changes in your business needs, and changes in your business relationships. Here are some general guidelines to consider:

1. Changes in the law

If any significant changes in the law could affect your MSA, such as changes in intellectual property or data protection laws, you may need to update your MSA to ensure compliance with the new regulations.

2. Changes in your business needs

If your business needs change, such as offering new services or products, you may need to update your MSA to reflect those changes. Similarly, if you stop offering certain services, you may need to remove those provisions from your MSA.

3. Changes in your business relationships

If you begin working with new clients or vendors, or if the scope of your work with existing clients or vendors changes significantly, you may need to update your MSA to reflect those changes.

Generally, it's a good idea to review your MSA annually to ensure that it remains up-to-date and reflects your current business needs and practices. However, you may need to update it more frequently if any of the above factors change.

It's also important to note that any updates to your MSA should be communicated clearly to all parties involved and should be reviewed by legal counsel to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations.


In conclusion, an MSA is crucial for any business engaging in service-based contracts with other parties. An MSA helps establish clear expectations and responsibilities for both parties while mitigating risks and reducing the likelihood of disputes.

Using an MSA template can greatly simplify the process of creating a customized agreement that fits the specific needs of your business. However, it's important to remember that a template is only a starting point and should be modified and tailored to fit the unique circumstances of each individual project.

It's also essential to ensure that all parties involved understand and agree to the terms of the MSA. Clear communication and transparency are key to establishing a successful business relationship and avoiding any misunderstandings or disputes.

A robust MSA can help your business engage clients and delight them. When your clients know what to expect, communication becomes much easier. When that's the case, having a good relationship is a given. As such, it is important to devote time and consideration to developing an effective MSA.

When it comes to MSAs, having a template can greatly help. Since many small businesses and entrepreneurs may not be experienced enough to address certain issues properly, a template can act as a guiding force. As a result, finding a good template can be a huge benefit as it would help save time, money, and effort.

In summary, a well-drafted MSA, tailored to the specific needs of your business, can provide a solid foundation for any service-based contract. By using a master service agreement template as a starting point and working closely with legal counsel and other stakeholders, you can create an agreement that protects your interests and helps to establish a successful business relationship with your clients or vendors.

Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about this template.

Is a master service agreement template legally binding?

Yes, an agreement template is legally binding. An MSA is a contract between two parties that establishes the terms and conditions for providing future services. Using a template for this agreement does not affect its legal validity.When a business uses an MSA template, the parties involved typically negotiate and modify the terms of the agreement to reflect their specific needs and requirements. Once the parties have agreed to the terms and signed the agreement, it becomes legally binding.The enforceability of an MSA depends on several factors, such as the clarity of the terms, the presence of any illegal or unconscionable provisions, and compliance with relevant laws and regulations. However, if the terms of the agreement are clear, reasonable, and comply with the law, the MSA template can serve as a legally binding contract between the parties.It is important to note that the use of an MSA template does not replace the need for legal advice. Businesses should consult with a lawyer to ensure that the terms of the agreement are legally compliant and provide the necessary protections for their interests.

Can I modify a master service agreement template if the other party disagrees with certain terms?

Yes, you can modify an MSA template if the other party disagrees with certain terms. Still, it will require negotiation and agreement between both parties. In addition, a template is a starting point, and it's expected that it may need to be modified to fit the specific needs of the parties involved.If the other party disagrees with certain terms, it's important to understand their concerns and try to find a mutually acceptable solution. This may involve negotiating alternative terms or providing additional information or assurances to address the other party's concerns.However, it's also important to be aware that some terms in the MSA may be non-negotiable. For example, certain legal or regulatory requirements may dictate the inclusion of specific terms, and removing them may not be possible. In such cases, it's important to explain why the term is necessary and work with the other party to find a way to address their concerns while still meeting legal or regulatory requirements.It's always a good idea to consult with legal counsel when modifying an MSA template to ensure that the changes are legally sound and properly documented. Additionally, any modifications to the MSA should be clearly communicated to all parties involved and should be documented in writing to avoid misunderstandings or disputes in the future.‍

An MSA and a statement of work (SOW) are both types of contracts used in business relationships, but they serve different purposes.An MSA is a long-term agreement between two parties that outlines the terms and conditions of their business relationship. It establishes the legal framework for the relationship, including the scope of services to be provided, payment terms, warranties, indemnification, intellectual property rights, termination, and other important provisions. An MSA is typically used when two parties plan to enter into a long-term business relationship and anticipate multiple projects or engagements.On the other hand, an SOW is a document that outlines the specific details of a project or engagement that falls under the scope of the MSA. It specifies the project's deliverables, timelines, milestones, resources required, and other relevant details not included in the MSA. The SOW typically serves as an attachment or addendum to the MSA and defines the scope of a specific project or engagement.

An MSA and a statement of work (SOW) are both types of contracts used in business relationships, but they serve different purposes.An MSA is a long-term agreement between two parties that outlines the terms and conditions of their business relationship. It establishes the legal framework for the relationship, including the scope of services to be provided, payment terms, warranties, indemnification, intellectual property rights, termination, and other important provisions. An MSA is typically used when two parties plan to enter into a long-term business relationship and anticipate multiple projects or engagements.On the other hand, an SOW is a document that outlines the specific details of a project or engagement that falls under the scope of the MSA. It specifies the project's deliverables, timelines, milestones, resources required, and other relevant details not included in the MSA. The SOW typically serves as an attachment or addendum to the MSA and defines the scope of a specific project or engagement.

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Master Service Agreement Template

Master Service Agreement Template

First Name
Last Name
Acme LLC.
First Name
Last Name
Corporation Corp.

THIS MASTER SERVICES AGREEMENT (the “Agreement”) is made as of [ENTER EFFECTIVE DATE] (the “Effective Date”) by and between: [ENTER CONSULTANT NAME] (the “Consultant”), located at [ENTER ADDRESS] and [ENTER CLIENT NAME] (the “Client”), located at [ENTER ADDRESS] (referred to herein collectively as the “Parties,” and individually as a “Party”).

WHEREAS, Client wishes to engage Consultant to perform certain services and to create and deliver certain deliverables (collectively the “Services”) as more particularly described in this Agreement, and Consultant desires to render such Services for Client in accordance with the terms herein.

NOW, THEREFORE, in consideration of the mutual covenants and promises herein, the Parties hereby agree as follows:


1. SERVICES OF CONSULTANT. Consultant shall provide the Services to Client as defined below. Consultant shall perform all Services under this Agreement in compliance with all applicable laws and/or legal requirements. Consultant represents and warrants that any work product of any kind created in connection with this Agreement shall not infringe the intellectual property rights of any third-party person and/or entity.

1.1 Services Description & Deliverables.


1.2 Timeline of Services.


1.3 Additional Services.

If, and to the extent that, the Client requests Consultant to render services on behalf of the Client other than those required to be rendered under this Agreement, the Parties shall sign an addendum to this Agreement outlining the additional services desired by Client and the fees associated with such additional services.


2.1 Term of the Agreement.

The term of this Agreement shall begin as of the Effective Date written above, and shall continue for a period of [ENTER APPLICABLE INITIAL TERM] (the “Initial Term”). After the Initial Term, this Agreement shall renew for renewal periods of [ENTER APPLICABLE TIME PERIOD] (each a “Renewal Term”) until the Agreement is terminated by either Party hereto in accordance with the terms of Paragraph 2.2 below.

2.2 Termination of the Agreement.

Notwithstanding anything in this Agreement to the contrary, either Party hereto may terminate this Agreement for any reason, without liability, upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice to the other Party. Termination will not, however, relieve either Party of obligations incurred prior to the effective date of the termination, including, but not limited to, any payments owed by Client to Consultant for Services rendered through the effective date of termination.


Client shall pay Consultant in accordance with the payment terms provided below.

3.1 Fees.


3.2 External Costs.

Client shall be responsible for any and all external costs incurred by Consultant in rendering the Services for Client. Consultant shall obtain the prior written approval of Client via email before incurring any such external costs.

3.3 Payment Terms.

Client agrees to pay any and all invoices issued by Consultant to Client within [ENTER APPLICABLE NUMBER OF DAYS] of the date in which the invoice is submitted by Consultant to Client.

3.4 Reimbursement of Expenses.

Client shall reimburse Consultant for travel and/or other ordinary and necessary expenses incurred by Consultant that are directly attributable to the Services being provided by Consultant to Client hereunder.


Confidential Information shall include all information conveyed by the Client to Consultant orally, in writing, by demonstration, or by other media. Confidential Information may include, by way of example but without limitation, data, know-how, contacts, contracts, software, formulas, processes, designs, sketches, photographs, plans, drawings, specifications, samples, reports, information obtained from previous and/or current participants in programs of Client, and information relating to the transactional procedures of Client. Confidential Information shall not include information, generally known or available to the public, through no act or omission on the part of Consultant.


Both Parties represent that they are fully authorized and empowered to enter into this Agreement, and that the performance of the obligations under this Agreement will not violate or infringe upon the rights of any third-party or violate any agreement between the Parties and any other persons, firm or organization or any law or governmental regulation.


6.1 Client ownership.

Consultant agrees that notes, data, reference items, records and any other documents or materials relating in any way to work product of any kind created by Consultant solely in connection with this Agreement or Confidential Information belong exclusively to Client. Consultant agrees to immediately deliver to Client all such documents and/or materials which are in Consultant’s possession, custody or control upon the request of Client or, in the absence of such request, upon termination of this Agreement.

6.2 Consultant agreement.

Consultant hereby assigns fully to Client, and agrees to assign to Client at the time of the creation of any work product uniquely created by Consultant for Client of any kind, all right, title, and interest in and to work product and any and all copyrights, patents and/or other intellectual property rights relating thereto.

6.3 Limitations.

Consultant will retain all interest in, and ownership of, its intellectual property existing prior to this Agreement or developed outside the scope of the Services of this Agreement and/or any applicable SOW that is utilized by Consultant in the rendering of the Services hereunder. Consultant hereby grants to Client, a perpetual, non-exclusive, royalty-free license for use of any pre-existing intellectual property utilized by Consultant in rendering the Services hereunder that is included in any work product submitted to Client or created by Consultant in connection with the Services.


Consultant’s liability hereunder shall not exceed the amount paid by Client for services rendered by Consultant in the month prior to which any claim arose. Client hereby agrees to indemnify and defend Consultant against, and to hold Consultant from, any claims, demands, suits, loss, damages, costs and expenses (including reasonable attorneys’ fees, settlements and judgments) arising out of (a) claims made by any third-parties against Consultant in connection with any representations made and/or services offered by Client, (b) any violation by Client of any state, federal or local law, or (c) any breach by Client of this Agreement.


Notwithstanding anything to the contrary in this Agreement, Consultant makes no representations and disclaims all warranties, express or implied, including the implied warranties of merchantability, fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the Services to the extent permitted by applicable law. Consultant makes no representations or warranties as to the success of the Services for any purpose or use. Past results are in no way a guarantee of results for any current client of Consultant. Client hereby disclaims that it is relying upon or has relied upon any representations or warranty not included in this Agreement that may have been made by any person, and acknowledges and agrees that Consultant disclaims any such other representations and warranties.


Consultant asserts and represents the ability to enter into this Agreement without any imposition or claim of conflict of interest or of any ownership right to any inventive concept, trade secret, or other Confidential Information arising out of or relating to this Agreement, or research and development efforts under this Agreement, by any entity or person. Consultant will take all steps necessary to prevent any potential claim or imposition of such conflict of interest or such ownership rights.


In providing the Services under the terms of this Agreement, Consultant is acting in the capacity of an independent contractor and not as an employee of Client. In such capacity, Consultant is not eligible to participate in any of Client’s employee benefits programs, including, but not limited to, group insurance, retirement, vacation, and any other benefits. As an independent contractor, Consultant assumes full responsibility for making all proper federal, state, and local income, professional, business and occupation, and social security and payroll tax payments, for Consultant and all of Consultant’s employees, and will file all returns and forms required under this Agreement.


11.1 Entire Agreement.

This Agreement constitutes the entire agreement between Consultant and Client with respect to the subject matter of this Agreement. This Agreement may be amended only in writing executed by both Parties.

11.2 Governing Law.


11.3 Arbitration (in lieu of litigation).

Any controversies arising out of the terms of this Agreement or its interpretation shall be settled in the State of [ENTER STATE] in accordance with the rules of the American Arbitration Association (“AAA”), and the judgment upon award may be entered in any court having jurisdiction thereof.

11.4 No Assignment.

This Agreement is not assignable by either Party, whether by operation of law or otherwise, without the prior written consent of the other Party.

11.5 Use of Other Party’s Name.

Except as required by law, before either Party uses the name of the other Party or refers to the existence or terms of this Agreement in any publication or other public disclosure, it shall first obtain the written permission of the other Party.

11.6 Severability.

If any provision of this Agreement is held to be unenforceable for any reason, such provision shall be adjusted rather than voided, if possible, in order to achieve the intent of the Parties to the fullest extent possible. In any event, all other provisions of this Agreement shall be deemed valid and enforceable to the fullest extent possible.

11.7 Notice.

All notices and other communications given or made pursuant to this Agreement shall be in writing and shall be deemed effectively given. All communications shall be sent to the respective Parties at their email address, or mailing address as set forth above, or to such email address, or mailing address as subsequently modified by written notice given in accordance with this section.

11.8 Attorneys’ Fees.

In the event of a breach by Client of the provisions of this Agreement, Consultant shall be entitled to recover against Client all reasonable attorneys’ fees and costs, including expert witness fees or expenses, incurred by Consultant in connection with any claim against Consultant arising out of Client’s breach of this Agreement.

11.9 Force Majeure.

No Party shall be liable or responsible to the other Party, nor be deemed to have defaulted under or breached this Agreement, for any failure or delay in fulfilling or performing any term of this Agreement (except for any obligations to make payments to the other Party under this Agreement), when and to the extent the failure or delay is caused by or results from acts beyond the impacted Party's (“Impacted Party”) reasonable control (which events may include natural disasters, embargoes, explosions, riots, wars or acts of invasion or terrorism, requirements of law, national or regional emergency) (each, a “Force Majeure Event”). A Party shall give the other Party prompt written notice of any event or circumstance that is reasonably likely to result in a Force Majeure Event, and the anticipated duration of such Force Majeure Event. An affected Party shall use all diligent efforts to end the Force Majeure Event, ensure that the effects of any Force Majeure Event are minimized, and resume full performance under this Agreement.

11.10 Headings.

The headings used herein are for convenience only and are not a part of this Agreement.

11.11 Counterparts.

This Agreement may be executed in counterparts, each of which shall be deemed an original, but all of which together shall constitute one and the same instrument. Signatures transmitted by facsimile or electronic transmission by PDF or otherwise shall be considered valid, binding and effective for all purposes.


First Name
Last Name
Acme LLC.
First Name
Last Name
Corporation Corp.