Home Repair Invoice Template

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If you are working in the home repair services industry or running your own repair business, then this repair template will help you. It is inevitable that you will have to deal with invoices to collect payment for the home repair service you have given to a customer's house maintenance. But what are the different options for creating professional invoices?

There are many different options like creating one from scratch using basic programs such as Microsoft Word and Excel or using specialized, expensive accounting software to create a more professional-looking invoice. Whatever one you decide to use we will look at some of the key points you need to keep in mind when deciding.

What Is a home repair service invoice template?

A service repair invoice is an essential part of the day-to-day running of home repair businesses. It is a tool that is used by workers to record any necessary details of the repair work carried out or services provided. These include basic administration details such as the date that the work was carried out, the client's details, and the type of payments accepted. It will also include more detailed information on the type of work carried out or a service description for the home repair.

Although you can create a basic, free handyman invoice templates on platforms like Microsoft or Google sheets, it is highly advisable to use invoicing software to create a more professional invoice which would only reflect positively on your auto repair shop.

An example of this would be the Bonsai software which gives you all the tools you need to run a successful freelancing business. From invoice templates to business bank accounts for freelancers to expenses trackers, Bonsai has you covered.

When does a home repair invoice template need to be used?

An invoice needs to be produced at the end of any work completed or when a billing period comes to an end. Each separate client will need its own invoice. As you will likely have a high turnover of customers in the repair service work sector, you will need to create a new handyman invoice for each individual customer.

What should you add to a home repair Invoice template?

When creating an invoice template it is important to have the relevant information on it. Here are examples of the type of information that needs to be included:

  • A unique invoice number - this number for your invoice will be required for your record-keeping
  • Your company's details - (company name, phone number, company logo, email, and mailing address).
  • The client's billing information - (address, email, phone number)
  • Service list provided - An itemized list of the home repairs carried out.
  • Total cost for completing the work carried out - including the parts costs, the labor used, and the hourly rate.
  • Gross subtotal- (before adding service fees, discounts, and taxes)
  • The total net amount owed - (taxes included)
  • The invoice date and the due date for the requested payment
  • Contact details

As different works carried out will be charged at different kinds of rates, it may be worth you keeping a record of each different type of service you offer with the total price as a reference when creating your invoice template.

How to write out a repair invoice

When creating a new invoice for a new customer or a new project that has been carried out, you will be filling in the information from a template you have already created. Here are a few steps to follow in that process:

List the complete home repair services you have carried out

Although you may have an informal relationship with most of your clients it is still worth writing out a detailed description of all the services you have carried out for your internal records and to avoid any come back of unhappy customers to show them.

Add the Total Balance Owed

Included the total price for all services carried out. Make sure to include the total amount of all parts, the total labor used, and the hourly rates.

Make copies of the invoices

Having a thorough bookkeeping practice is an essential part of any business. As you will be offering many types of services to different clients it is important to have a good record of the works done historically for you to analyze retrospectively and help with your end-of-year tax report. It is also advisable to keep backup copies in case any customers return with a discrepancy.

Submit invoice to the client

Once you have created the invoice you will need to send the invoice out to your client in the manner of your choosing. However, it is worth speaking to the customer to find out how they would prefer delivery either by email or physical paper.

Bonus Tips:

Add as many payment options as possible

It is important you offer the client as many payment options as you can to best suit their individual preferences. Some customers won't deal in cash and will prefer to use their card and some customers may be more old school and only use cash, the easier the payment process is for them the more likely they will return. You can even offer crypto payments for the younger generation.

Add Miscellaneous Materials and Bills

Make sure all costs are included even the ones you may not think about such as added taxes or additional transaction costs as you don't want to be footing the bill for this instead of the customer.

Double-check the Invoice

It would look very unprofessional if you gave a client an invoice that you then had to alter because you made a mistake on it, especially if you are asking them for more money, they probably won't be happy. To avoid this make sure you double-check all the information is correct before you hand it out.

Create Professional Invoices with Bonsai

It is inevitable that at some point you will have to create an invoice template for your home repair services business. You can create one quickly and for free on programs such as Microsoft and Google docs, however as it is the last interaction the customer will have with your business it is worth taking the time to create a professional-looking template as that is the last thing they will remember from your business.

Bonsai can help you achieve this with their software to help create a professional invoice template that once created you only have to fill in the individual details of each project, then hand them to your client. Bonsai will help you get paid faster for your labor charges. Create an account to customize and download a free template today.

Home Repair Invoice Template
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about this template.

What is the best free invoice template?

Bonsai has the best free template on the market for sending billing requests. Our software lets you easily edit pre-made templates, set up recurring or partial payment requests and lets you automate the entire process.

Can I create my own invoice template?

Sure, you can create your own invoice template. If you want to avoid the headache of doing so...try Bonsai's free pre-made template. It is easy to customize and has all the correct information to send flawless invoices.

Is there a free invoice maker?

Bonsai's free invoice templates lets you create billing requests instantly. Simply edit one of our professional looking templates and send it off to your clients!

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