Roofing Invoice Template

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Turning your roofing company into a lucrative business takes a lot of patience, knowledge, people skills, and organization. With so much on your plate, you probably don't want to spend hours behind a desk taking care of tedious administrative tasks, such as invoicing. However, having a professional and well-designed roofing invoice can really help you manage your finances better, and even make a difference in getting you paid faster.

Don't worry, that doesn't mean you have to take up a big chunk of your day creating an invoice for each completed project. Instead, many roofing contractors have their own roofing invoice template to easily create flawless roofing invoices every single time. Let's go over the basic but essential elements you should keep in mind if you want to create your own template and save time.

Note: If you want to take your roofing business to the next level, check out what Bonsai can do for you. We have administrative tools that will make invoicing, accounting, and payment processing easier than ever before! Sign up today.

Essential Elements of Roofing Invoice Templates

To get paid properly and on time for all your hard work, your roofing invoice template should include a clear and easy-to-understand breakdown of the services provided as well as payment instructions for your customer. Ensure you never miss any important details by including the following elements on your invoice template.

Roofing Company Information

First on your roofing invoice template, include your business information such as registered name (it could be your full name), phone number, address, and any company website you might have. You can also include your roofing company logo, or any other branding images, as well as a couple of lines to mention any services you might specialize in. These could be industrial roofing, sheet metal projects, or new constructions.

Additionally, if you are a small business owner, and have employees, you may also want to include a space in your invoice template for the installer's name and employee details. This can help you with the internal tracking of jobs.

Client Information

Next, include a section for your client's information. This would be their full name, address, phone number and email address if you are sending the invoice via email. If the roofing project is in a different location than your client's address, you must also include the full address. Also, include any customer ID number if you have one assigned in your database.

Invoice Number and Date

Make sure you assign a unique invoice number to all of your roofing invoice templates as well as the date when the invoice was sent out. Keep in mind, the invoice number is not only for your accounting purposes, but also your clients'. If you are working for a big company, their accounts payable department will most likely reject your invoice if it doesn't have a unique invoice number. Plus, adding the invoice date will help you determine the payment due date, so you can apply any late fees, and prompt your customer to make a payment on time.

Roofing Services Performed

On this section of your roofing invoice template, you want to give your client a full breakdown of the roofing services provided. Include a short but clear description of each service, along with the unit price (if you charge per project) and the total cost of the job. On the other hand, if you have a flat rate per hour, specify how many hours were spent on each task, the unit price, and then the total cost for each.

Materials and Extra Charges

Aside from a description of the roofing projects completed, you must also list the materials used during the job. Include the number of units of each material used, the unit price, and the total cost. Some roofing projects such as special painting patterns might be more demanding, so your labor charge may increase. If that's the case, make sure to have a separate line as well for the extra charges instead of just increasing your hourly rate. This will give more transparency to your clients, and avoid misunderstandings.


On the totals section of your roofing invoice template, you want to clearly define what the subtotal amount is (total cost of labor plus materials), then add the applicable taxes and specify the total amount due. You may be providing a discount for a high work volume, regular clients, referrals, etc. If so, subtract the discount from the subtotal amount before you factor in the taxes. Seeing the discount on the total will have a bigger impact on your client than seeing it as part of the service description.

Payment Details

Finally, make sure all of your payment terms are disclosed on your roofing invoice template. Giving your customers multiple payment options will make it more likely for you to get paid promptly. Include a payment link if you take online payments, your mailing address for checks, and any other accepted payment methods such as credit/debit card, cash, or ACH transfer.

In this section you can also mention the late payment penalties that may apply after the due date as well as any early payment incentives you want to offer.


This last section is optional, however it will make your roofing invoice more personalized and professional. You can include a thank you message at the end of the template, to let your customer know you appreciate their business, and maybe even offer them a discount for a future job or a referral.

Use Our Free Roofing Contractor Invoice Template

If you don't have time to spare, or just don't want to go through the hassle of creating your own invoice template, skip the headache and download Bonsai's free roofing invoice template. Our fully customizable invoice template will allow you to easily create and send out professional invoices, so you can quickly get back to work.

Once you download the template, fill in the specific roofing service information, personalize it with your own company branding elements, and save it so you can continue to use it for future jobs. But that's not all, for ultimate invoicing efficiency, take advantage of our other invoicing tools such as automated payment reminders, late fees and viewing notifications.

You can also use our tax software to track business expenses, get tax estimates and automatically identify write-offs for a smoother tax season. Check out everything Bonsai can do to help you run your roofing business like a pro.

Roofing Invoice Template
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about this template.

What is the best free invoice template?

Bonsai has the best billing request templates on the market. Include information about your company, clients, logo, contact information, invoice number, issuance date, due date, and payment information.

How do I make a simple invoice?

To make a simple invoice, sign up with Bonsai. Get access to our free templates to customize and edit. Easily add your company name, client list, logo, address, phone number, invoice number, issuance date, due date, and payment information.

Who prepares an invoice?

Usually the freelancer or seller prepares the invoice related to the sale of products or services. If you are a freelancer, easily receive free invoice templates you can customize and send off.

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