Coaching Log Template

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Coaching is essential to the development and growth of any individual or team. But to be a consistently successful coach, you need to clearly understand what makes a good coaching log.

This document can be used to track the progress of your student or employee, monitor their assigned tasks, and measure their performance.

We'll explain everything you need to know about writing a winning coaching log template.

Keep reading to learn how to make your coaching sessions more effective and efficient!

Note: Try our free coaching log today and get access to all our other templates as well. You'll receive our contract, proposal and coach invoice templates on top of the log. Claim your 7-day free trial here.

What is a coaching log?

A coaching log is a document coaches use to track their progress and achievements. It can be used as an accountability tool so coaches know where they stand on client coaching. Essentially, coaching logs are the historic performance reports for a coach and contain snapshots in time of your clients progress. They detail what took place in session notes and what the key takeaways were from each coaching session.

A template can make the process of writing a coaching log easier and can help you stay on track.

The importance of a coaching log

Building a successful coaching business is all about progress and development. Without a tracking system, it's virtually impossible to measure client coaching.

That's why using a template is such a great idea. Not only does it make the process easier, but you'll also be able to track everything from time, goals to results.

This is vital information for growth, and can help you pinpoint areas that need improvement. A coaching log is one of the most important coaching tools you can use in your business. By keeping track of your progress, development, and goals, you'll be on your way to a successful coaching career.

The purpose of a coaching log

Successful coaching is all about progress. So, it's important to track it all along the way. A coaching log is a valuable tool for tracking the progress of your coaching sessions.

It can serve as a reference for improving your skills, and can be a valuable tool for reflection. The coaching logs templates provided includes space to record the date, time, objectives of session, participants, and other pertinent information.

It can also be helpful in reflecting on what went well and what could be improved upon. So, make sure to keep a coaching log handy and use it to track your progress as a coach.

Note: We'd also recommend you track your time for coaching so you know which tasks take the most of your/client's time. You can do so using the best coaching tool--Bonsai. Our all-in-one product suite has time tracking, task management, tax, and template software you can use to streamline your business. Claim a 7-day free trial here.

How do you write a coaching log template?

Coaching is an important part of personal and professional growth, and it can be a daunting task to take on. That's why it's so important to have a winning coaching log template that you can use repeatedly.

The template should be cohesive and provide all the necessary information for your clients, including goals, progress, and results.

Additionally, having a clear mission statement for your coaching program is important. This will help you stay focused and on track and ensure that your clients reach their full potential. With a winning coaching log template, a client coaching can be a rewarding and successful experience for you and your clients.

What to include in your coaching log

Include everything you do to help clients achieve their goals in your coaching log. This could include:

Checking in with the client regularly (e.g ., every two weeks)

Recommending resources or other support materials Regular sessions (e.g ., every week)

Encouraging the client to take action on what they have learned

Identifying any potential barriers to success and providing suggestions for how to overcome them Monitoring the client's progress and providing feedback on areas of strength and weakness Regular check-ins (e.g ., every month). By adding in client name, client date, coaching session date and any key highlights including teaching points during the session you'll be able to create your own coaching log. Don't start from scratch though, use our tried and true coaching log template to save time, and resource.

Moving on to a different goal or phase of work with the client It is also helpful to keep track of any deadlines or milestones that the client has agreed to meet, as well as any adjustments made to those goals in response to feedback from you.

Recording Assignments and Progress

Choose a daily or weekly recording log format, and include the date, type of coaching session, tasks/tasks completed, and feedback/notes. After each session, review your recordings to see what worked well and could be improved.

Finally, use a similar template to make your coaching log easier to follow. Doing so will save you time and ensure that your logs are always in order.

How can I make my coaching log template more effective?

Coaching log's effectiveness depends on the coaching type you are doing, the goals you are trying to achieve, and your style.

However, here are a few tips that may help make your coaching log more effective:

1. Finally, document everything in an easy-to-read format so that others can learn from it. This will help to build camaraderie and ownership among your team and also provide valuable insights for future sessions.

2. By having a clear structure and following the right steps, you'll be able to track your progress and keep track of your goals more easily. This can help identify areas where you need to improve or focus on, and it will also help you stay motivated and focused on your goals.

3. Always start by defining what you want to achieve with your coaching sessions - this will set the tone for the log.

Once you understand your goals well, it will be much easier to track progress and measure results.

Results achieved

As a coach, it is important to track your progress and find ways to improve. By using the coaching log, you can document all the achievements and successes of your sessions. This will help you both evaluate how well your coaching is working and fine-tune future interventions accordingly.

Another great way to measure the effectiveness of your coaching would be through client testimonials or case studies. Whether you prefer bullet points or tables as a format for recording session data, each entry includes date, time, participants and other pertinent information.

Doing so will make it easy for others (e.g., managers) to keep track of what has been done and assess its impact on results overall. Lastly - always ensure that you include summaries of each session in reports/annual reviews.


Now that you know what a coaching log is and the importance of recording your coaching sessions, it's time to learn how to write a winning template. By following the steps outlined in this blog, you will be able to create a informative and useful log.

Make sure to keep track of your progress and assignments to measure the effectiveness of your coaching sessions.

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