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5 types of interior designers

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April 25, 2023
April 25, 2023
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Interior design is a vast field with many professionals who offer different services and cater to diverse client needs. One way to categorize interior designers is by looking at their work structure, specifically whether they work independently or as part of a larger firm. Use this guide to position yourself to get the right type of clients, discover what pricing strategy works best for your, and learn more about the vast industry.

Solo interior designers, also known as independent or self-employed, work independently and manage all aspects of their business. In this article, we'll discuss what they do and in what capacities they work. Let's get into it.

source: foyr

Solo interior designers have great flexibility and control over their work, as they are responsible for everything from client acquisition to project management and billing. They often have a close relationship with their clients. They can offer a highly personalized service that caters to individual needs and preferences.

However, this independence also means they have to manage all aspects of their business, including marketing, bookkeeping, and project management. They also may have to work harder to establish a reputation and build and maintain a client base, as they do not have the resources and support of a larger firm.

Despite these challenges, solo interior designers can be highly successful and fulfilling careers for those with an entrepreneurial spirit, discipline, and passion for design. Many solo interior designers have established successful businesses and have gained a loyal following of clients who appreciate their unique style and approach.

Types of interior designers

Solo interior designers operate in a variety of capacities. Here are some types of interior designers you should be aware of.

Residential interior designers

Residential interior designers design and decorate homes, apartments, and other residential spaces. Their role and responsibilities involve working closely with clients to create functional and aesthetically pleasing spaces that meet their needs and preferences. Some of the specific tasks that residential interior designers may undertake include:

  • Developing design concepts and plans based on client needs and preferences
  • Selecting furniture, decor, and materials that fit within the client's budget and style preferences
  • Creating color schemes and selecting paint, wallpaper, and other finishes
  • Overseeing the installation and construction of design elements, such as built-in cabinetry or custom furniture
  • Collaborating with architects, contractors, and other professionals involved in the construction or renovation of a home

To become a residential interior designer, one typically needs a degree in interior design or a related field, such as architecture or fine arts. In addition to formal education and experience, successful residential interior designers possess strong communication and project management skills and an eye for detail and design aesthetics.

The level of experience required to be a successful residential interior designer can vary depending on the designer's level of ambition and the types of projects they undertake. While some designers may work primarily with individual clients to redesign a single room or small apartment, others may work on larger projects such as entire houses or luxury condominiums.

In these cases, a higher level of experience may be required to manage the complexity and scope of the project. However, with the right skills and experience, a career as a residential interior designer can be highly fulfilling and financially rewarding.

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Commercial interior designers

Commercial interior designers specialize in creating functional and aesthetically pleasing interior spaces for businesses, government agencies, and other organizations. Their role and responsibilities involve working with clients to understand their needs and goals for the space, developing design concepts and plans, and overseeing the implementation of the design.

Some of the specific tasks that commercial interior designers may undertake include:

  • Developing a design concept that aligns with the client's brand, values, and functional needs
  • Selecting furniture, finishes, and materials that are durable, functional, and visually appealing
  • Creating space plans and layouts that optimize traffic flow and functionality
  • Collaborating with architects, engineers, and contractors to ensure that the design is feasible and complies with building codes and regulations
  • Managing the budget and timeline for the project

A bachelor's degree in interior design or a related field is recommended to become a commercial interior designer. Successful commercial interior designers possess strong communication and project management skills and an understanding of building codes, safety regulations, and accessibility guidelines.

The level of experience required to be a successful commercial interior designer can vary depending on the designer's level of ambition and the types of projects they undertake. Designers who work on larger projects, such as office buildings or retail chains, may require more experience and expertise to manage the complexity and scope of the project.

However, with the right skills and experience, a career as a commercial interior designer can be highly creative and financially rewarding.

Hospitality interior designers

Hospitality interior designers specialize in designing spaces for the hospitality industry, including hotels, resorts, restaurants, and other related businesses. Their role and responsibilities involve creating functional, comfortable, and aesthetically pleasing spaces for guests.

Some of the specific tasks that hospitality interior designers may undertake include:

  • Developing a design concept that reflects the brand and vision of the hospitality business
  • Selecting appropriate furniture, finishes, and materials that are durable, functional, and visually appealing
  • Creating a layout that optimizes the space for guests and staff while complying with safety regulations and building codes
  • Managing the budget and timeline for the project
  • Collaborating with architects, contractors, and other professionals to ensure the design is executed correctly

A bachelor's degree in interior design or a related field is recommended to become a hospitality interior designer. Strong communication and project management skills are essential. Designers must work closely with clients, contractors, and other professionals to ensure the design meets the client's needs and vision.

Entry-level positions in hospitality interior design may require 0-2 years of experience. However, designers with more experience and a proven track record of successful projects may be able to command higher salaries and take on more complex and prestigious projects.

A career as a hospitality interior designer can be highly creative and financially rewarding, as it allows designers to bring their vision to life in spaces that many people enjoy.

Healthcare interior designers

Role and Responsibilities: A Healthcare Interior Designer specializes in designing and creating interior spaces for healthcare facilities, such as hospitals, clinics, and medical offices. The designer needs to focus on creating a safe, efficient, and comforting environment for patients, visitors, and medical staff. They must consider the specialized needs of healthcare facilities, including medical equipment, infection control, and accessibility.

Some specific responsibilities of a Healthcare Interior Designer may include the following:

  • Designing patient rooms, waiting areas, exam rooms, and treatment spaces.
  • Selecting appropriate materials and finishes for healthcare settings, such as antimicrobial surfaces and slip-resistant flooring.
  • Ensuring compliance with healthcare regulations and standards, such as HIPAA and ADA.
  • Collaborating with architects, contractors, and medical staff to create functional and efficient spaces.

Education: A Healthcare Interior Designer typically has a Bachelor's or Master's degree in Interior Design or a related field. They may also have additional certifications or training in healthcare design, such as the Evidence-Based Design Accreditation and Certification (EDAC) offered by the Center for Health Design.

Level of Experience Required: Entry-level positions may require 0-2 years of experience. This can be varied, considering that certain projects may have different requirements.

However, experienced Healthcare Interior Designers with a strong portfolio and industry knowledge may have more opportunities for senior-level positions or to start their own design firm.

Sustainable interior designers

Sustainable Interior Designers focus on creating environmentally sustainable and eco-friendly designs for homes, businesses, and other spaces. This is a relatively new addition to the field, but they are highly valued for their services. This is because the recent focus on sustainability makes them important in cities.

Their role and responsibilities include the following:

  • Designing spaces that prioritize sustainability
  • Reduce waste
  • Minimize the carbon footprint of the building
  • Selecting eco-friendly materials
  • Incorporating renewable energy sources
  • Creating designs that optimize natural light and reduce energy consumption.

Education for Sustainable Interior Designers typically involves a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design, Architecture, or Environmental Design and additional coursework in sustainability and green design practices.

The experience required for Sustainable Interior Designers can vary depending on the job and employer. Entry-level positions may require 0-2 years of experience, while more senior roles may require 5-10 years of experience and a track record of successful sustainable design projects.

Certification in sustainable design, such as LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design), may also benefit career advancement.

Education and training for solo interior designers

Education and training are critical for solo interior designers to gain knowledge and skills for their chosen field. The following are some of the education requirements and opportunities for interior designers:

Education requirements

A Bachelor's degree in Interior Design or a related field is typically required for entry-level positions in interior design. The degree program typically takes four years to complete. It covers design theory, color theory, space planning, materials, and construction techniques.

Accreditation and licensing

Graduating from an accredited interior design program is essential to becoming a licensed interior designer. Many states and provinces require interior designers to pass a licensing exam after completing their education and meeting other requirements.

Other relevant degrees

While a Bachelor's degree in Interior Design is the most common for interior designers, degrees in architecture, industrial design, or environmental design can also provide a strong foundation for a career in interior design.

Continuing education

Continuing education courses and professional development opportunities are crucial for interior designers to stay up-to-date with the industry's latest trends, materials, and techniques. Many professional organizations, such as the American Society of Interior Designers (ASID), offer their members continuing education courses and seminars.


In conclusion, solo interior designers specialize in various areas, including residential, commercial, hospitality, healthcare, and sustainable design. Each type of designer has unique roles and responsibilities, educational requirements, and experience levels.

A bachelor's degree in interior design or a related field is recommended for most interior designers. Continuing education is crucial for staying up-to-date with industry trends and techniques.

By understanding the different types of interior designers and their education and experience requirements, aspiring designers can better tailor their education and training to their desired career path.

If you are an interior designer considering expanding your business, you may need help. Bonsai has a wide array of software tools that can be invaluable to interior designers. Bonsai offers interior designers a smooth and streamlined experience, from managing customers and clients to bookkeeping functionalities. You can sign up for a free 7-day trial to see if it is right for you.


These frequently asked questions can further guide you on the matter.

What does a solo interior designer do?

A solo interior designer is a professional who designs and decorates interior spaces for clients. Their job may include selecting furniture, colors, and decor, creating design plans and layouts, and managing projects to completion.

What education do I need to become a solo interior designer?

A bachelor's degree in interior design or a related field is typically required to become a solo interior designer. Some employers may also prefer candidates with a master's degree.

Do I need a license to become a solo interior designer?

Licensing requirements for solo interior designers vary by state and country. Some states require a license or certification to practice as an interior designer, while others do not. It's important to research the specific requirements in your area.

What skills do I need to be a successful solo interior designer?

Successful solo interior designers typically have strong design skills, communication, project management, and problem-solving skills. They must also know about design software, current industry trends, and best practices.

How can I build my portfolio as a solo interior designer?

Building a solo interior designer portfolio can involve taking on small projects or internships to gain experience and showcase your work. You can also create your own design projects and document your process and final results for your portfolio. Networking and attending industry events can also help you build your portfolio and connect with potential clients.

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