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Best consulting email templates in 2024

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Updated on:
March 27, 2023
March 27, 2023
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Ensuring you're on the same page as your clients is vital to succeeding in the corporate world. Effective communication is essential since many clients prefer to work with companies that acknowledge them and provide proper services with transparency.

In this case, keeping up correspondence for the consultancy industry requires you to send consulting emails to your favored clients. For new entrepreneurs, this can be difficult. Still, well-written consulting email templates are available that can greatly help. This article will cover how you can craft effective emails and keep your clients engaged.

Introduction to Consulting Email Templates

Today, communicating via email is by far the best choice for keeping up with clients. Email allows for quick and efficient communication between team members, customers, and suppliers. It enables you to communicate important information, requests, and updates to relevant parties in a timely and organized manner.

Essentially, email communication is important for your business because it enables efficient communication and provides a written record of conversations. Furthermore, it is cost-effective, enables remote communication, and is a powerful tool for marketing and promotion. With that said, it is no wonder that the consultancy industry uses emails to its full extent.

The consulting industry provides expert advice and guidance to various businesses, organizations, and governments. These include strategy, management, finance, technology, and human resources. Consulting firms typically employ highly skilled and experienced professionals with specialized knowledge and expertise in their respective fields. Because of their high service expectations, they tend to work closely with companies like Bonsai in order to succeed.

The consulting industry has grown significantly over the years due to the increasing complexity of business operations, the need for specialized expertise, and the demand for innovative solutions. Consulting firms work with many clients, from small businesses to large multinational corporations. Their services can be tailored to meet each client's specific needs.

Considering the need for quick communication and maintaining an edge over the competition, you might require further knowledge about how to execute business communication properly. That is why we will explore the nuances of consulting emails and how they can help you engage clients. We will also examine consulting email templates so you can start off strong.

Understanding the consulting industry

The consulting industry provides a range of services to clients in various fields and industries. They assist in finance, technology, human resources, marketing, and more. They are specialized and can handle the needs of various clients and deliver on expectations. There are various consulting firms, each specializing in offering services. Some common types include:

Strategy consultants

These firms provide strategic advice to businesses to help them improve operations, optimize performance, and achieve long-term goals.

Management consultants

These firms help businesses improve management processes, enhance the organizational structure, and streamline operations to increase efficiency and profitability.

Financial consultants

These firms provide advice and solutions on financial matters such as mergers and acquisitions, financial planning, risk management, and more.

Technology consultants

These firms help businesses leverage technology to improve operations, increase efficiency, and stay competitive in their industry.

Human resources consultants

These firms provide advice on employee recruitment, retention, training, and development, as well as improving overall employee engagement and performance.

Consulting firms communicate with clients through various channels. They employ face-to-face meetings, phone calls, emails, and video conferencing. Effective communication is crucial in consulting as it helps build trust, establish a strong relationship, and understand client needs and expectations.

In addition, the firms must listen to and understand their clients thoroughly. Consulting firms need to listen actively to their clients, ask questions, and seek feedback to ensure that their services align with the client's needs and expectations. Consulting firms must be responsive and timely in their communication to deliver on the desired expectations of the clients. It can be stated that communication and trust are the basis of the industry.

Key components of a consulting email

When drafting your own consulting email, take care to include the following key components. Following a pattern makes it easy for you and your clients to understand each other. Furthermore, it also makes communication more efficient, quick, and fruitful. Here are the components you need to include in their appropriate order.

Subject line

The subject line entails what the email is all about. You need to provide the purpose of the email here and write a short summary of what the email is all about. Writing a coherent subject line should come after you have drafted the email. Once done, summarize the entire email in a single line and use it as the subject.


Before getting to the email's main purpose, you need to be courteous and greet the receiver. Appropriate ways to greet clients include sending a small greeting and a wish. For instance, you can write, "Good morning, Mr. A. I hope the day finds you well." This leaves a positive impression on the receiver and is a good strategy for building rapport.


In this section, you introduce yourself and provide the purpose of the email. Be sure to lead the receiver properly and not make the transition too drastic. Provide a short introduction to remind your client who you are. After that, start with the reason behind the email. Be sure to provide all the information you want the client to know. Remind them if necessary.


This is where the bulk of the content would be. However, take care that you don't make it too long. Keep it short and succinct. Furthermore, don't muddle content. Stick to one content area per email. This will alleviate any confusions that the receiver may have. Lastly, keep your tone in check. Don't use too many emojis or excessive punctuation.


Finally, you must wrap up the email and provide a call to action. Provide a conclusion summarizing all the points raised in the email and end it with a polite call to action. However, to add an element of urgency, you can draw attention to terms like "Contact us NOW" or "Reply ASAP for more information."


Toward the end, you need an appropriate way to sign off the email. Adding a small farewell or a sign that lets the client know who sent the email is a good way. Furthermore, using your company logo at the end is also a great way to let the clients know who sent them the email. However, be sure to be unambiguous and clearly write the company's or customer service representative's name.

Types of consulting emails

Before you begin drafting consulting emails on your own, you might need to know about the different types of consulting emails. Contrary to what people might think, different email formats exist for different purposes. They are sent at particular times to meet particular needs. Here are some of the most common types you should know about.

Business Development Emails

These emails generate new business opportunities through email communication. They are often backed by research and analysis. Be sure to tailor the message to the recipient and keep it short, easy to understand, and actionable. Highlight your audience's pain points and present your solution. Be cordial, but validate yourself and the solution you offer.

Project Proposal Emails

When writing project proposal emails, be sure to explain your goals and objectives thoroughly. You need to define the problem and explain how you can solve it. Explain the budget, discuss how you will use it, and why you have the best solution. Emphasize the project's benefits and address any concerns your recipient may have.

Follow-up Emails

For a follow-up email, personalization is key. Furthermore, offer the client something of value for viewing it. This can be in the form of a discount or a free service. Remind them of the benefits of working with you and add a clear call to action to top it all off.

Feedback Emails

When asking for feedback through email, it's important to be clear and specific about your request. Provide context and explain why you value the recipient's opinion. When providing feedback, be constructive and specific. Focus on the issue at hand and offer suggestions for improvement.

Thank You Emails

Some appropriate ways to show gratitude include expressing appreciation for their business and acknowledging their contributions. Use a friendly tone, and consider including a small gift or offer as a token of appreciation. Be sure to thank them for their time and end the email with a positive note.

Cold Email Templates

When soliciting business through cold emails to non-warm leads, it's important to make a strong first impression with a compelling subject line and personalized introduction. Clearly state your product or service's value proposition and benefits, and include social proof such as testimonials or case studies.

If you need appropriate templates for each email type, then Bonsai has you covered. Their email templates are flexible and diverse. They provide you with the groundwork to draft your personalized emails with all the best practices in place.

Tips for writing effective consulting emails

Writing high-quality consulting emails is no piece of the cake. You can improve your chances of success by following the best practices outlined below.

Keep it concise

Start with a clear subject line that summarizes the content of the email. Use short sentences and avoid using technical jargon or acronyms that the recipient may not understand. Highlight the message's key points in bullet points or bold text to make them stand out. Use active voice and avoid unnecessary words or phrases that may confuse the message.

Finally, be sure to proofread the email for spelling and grammar errors to ensure that the message is clear and professional. By following these guidelines, you can communicate effectively in a few words via email.

Be Professional

Be professional when addressing your recipients. Address the recipient formally: Use "Dear [Title] [Last Name]" for a professional tone. Use proper grammar and spelling, and be sure to proofread your email for errors.

Use polite language and avoid being confrontational or rude. Don't use ALL CAPS, as it may come across as yelling. Avoid rambling or repeating information. Make sure the email is easy to read and understand. Use a positive and friendly tone: Keep your email upbeat and positive, even if you are addressing a difficult issue.

Use bullet points and lists

Making information easily digestible is paramount. Always assume that your clients have little time. Don't write walls of text; instead, try to be as short as possible. Using bullet points and lists is a great way to provide all the necessary information without boring the audience.

Using bullet points can help you deliver your purpose and ensure the client is on the same page. Use numbered lists and proper line spacing to make each line distant from the others. This will help in readability.

Personalize your email

Try to gather information about their company, role, and interests. Check their website or social media profiles to learn more. Use their name and refer to something specific about them or their company to show that you have done your research.

Make sure the message is relevant to them and addresses a specific need or concern they may have. Use their communication style: If the recipient uses a formal tone, use a formal tone in your message. If they use casual language, adjust your language accordingly. Show how your message can benefit the recipient and offer something that is of value to them.

Avoid common mistakes

Be sure to avoid the common mistakes of email drafting. Proofread your email before sending it to avoid errors. Use formal language and avoid being too informal or familiar. Also, check your facts before making statements or assumptions about the client.

Ensure your message is easy to understand and to the point. Make sure your email addresses the client's needs, questions, or concerns. Clearly state the purpose of the email in the subject line.

Example of consulting email template

Drafting a consulting email can be difficult for many entrepreneurs and business owners. However, using a consulting email template can provide a great advantage. It will save time and also help you handle clients more effectively. With Bonsai, you can easily do this while benefiting from high-quality consulting email templates such as this one.

Subject: [Insert Attention-Grabbing Subject Line Here]

Dear [Client Name],

I hope this email finds you well. My name is [Your Name], and I am a consultant at [Your Consulting Firm]. I came across your company and was impressed with the work you're doing in [Insert Area of Expertise]. I would love to discuss how we can help your company grow and achieve even greater success.

At [Your Consulting Firm], we specialize in [Insert Services Offered]. We have a proven track record of helping companies like yours to [Insert Results Achieved]. Our team of experts has extensive experience in [Insert Relevant Industry Experience].

I would like to schedule a call to discuss how we can support your business goals. During this call, I will provide you with more information on our services and answer any questions you may have. Please let me know if you are interested in scheduling a call by [Insert Date].

Thank you for your time, and I look forward to hearing from you soon.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Consulting Firm]

Best practices for sending consulting emails

If you want the best possible outcome for your emails, then be sure to follow these best practices.


Send consulting emails during regular business hours, preferably early in the week, to increase the likelihood of them being read and responded to.


Avoid sending too many emails, as they can come across as spammy. Limit your email frequency to once a week or less unless a critical issue needs addressing.


Personalize the email using the recipient's name and including relevant details about their business or industry. This can help you build rapport and establish credibility.


Maintain a professional tone throughout the email, using proper grammar and avoiding informal language. Address the recipient formally, and be respectful of their time and attention.


Include a clear call-to-action in your email, whether to schedule a call, review a proposal, or provide feedback. Make sure the CTA is easy to understand and takes minimal effort to complete.


In conclusion, effective communication is vital in the consulting industry, particularly when it comes to sending emails. Crafting a consulting email that is personalized, professional, and includes a clear call-to-action is key.

It's also important to follow best practices such as sending emails at appropriate times, limiting frequency, and maintaining a respectful and professional tone. Doing so can improve your chances of success in building strong relationships with clients and delivering value to their businesses.

Remember, a well-written consulting email can be the difference between making a positive impression or being ignored, so take the time to get it right! Always try to be customer-centric and seek to provide solutions. If you are having difficulties, a consulting email template can help you. Bonsai has you covered on that end. Sign up TODAY and get a 7-day free trial!


What should I include in the subject line of a consulting email?

The subject line of a consulting email should be clear, concise, and relevant to the content of the email. It should briefly summarise the email's purpose and capture the recipient's attention. Here are some tips for creating effective subject lines for consulting emails:

Be specific and highlight the main point of the email. Keep it short and try to use action-oriented language. Lastly, personalize if possible. This will help you connect with the recipient without wasting time or effort.

How should I greet clients in a consulting email?

Being professional and courteous is important when greeting clients in a consulting email. Here are some tips for greeting clients in a consulting email:

  1. Address the recipient by name:
  2. Use a formal greeting
  3. Consider the client's preferences:
  4. Use appropriate titles

It's important to remember that the greeting sets the tone for the rest of the email. By using a professional and courteous greeting, you can establish a positive and respectful tone for your communication with the client.

How do I write a convincing project proposal email?

Writing a convincing project proposal email requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write a successful project proposal email:

  1. Start with a strong subject line
  2. Begin with an introduction
  3. State the problem
  4. Present the solution
  5. Outline the project plan
  6. Highlight your qualifications
  7. Provide a call to action
  8. Proofread and edit

How often should I send follow-up emails to clients?

The frequency of follow-up emails to clients will depend on the specific situation and the client's preferences. It's important to balance the need to stay in touch with the client with the risk of coming across as pushy or annoying. Here are some general guidelines to help you determine how often to send follow-up emails to clients:

  1. Consider the urgency of the matter
  2. Respect the client's time
  3. Vary the frequency
  4. Use a polite and professional tone

What are common mistakes to avoid in consulting emails?

Consulting emails are an important part of communicating with clients and stakeholders in the consulting industry. However, several common mistakes can undermine the effectiveness of your communication. Here are some common mistakes to avoid in consulting emails:

  1. Not addressing the recipient by name
  2. Failing to proofread
  3. Using jargon or overly technical language
  4. Failing to provide context
  5. Ignoring the recipient's perspective
  6. Being too aggressive or pushy

Can I use emojis in consulting emails?

In general, the use of emojis in consulting emails should be approached with caution. While emojis can add a personal touch and convey emotions that might be difficult to express in text, they can also be perceived as unprofessional or inappropriate in some contexts.

If you're unsure whether to use emojis in a consulting email, consider the following:

  1. The recipient
  2. The context
  3. Your company's communication style

How important is personalization in consulting emails?

Personalization is extremely important in consulting emails as it helps to build a strong relationship with clients and stakeholders. Personalized emails show that you have taken the time to understand the recipient's needs and preferences, which can lead to a greater sense of trust and rapport.

Here are some benefits of personalizing consulting emails:

  1. Increased engagement
  2. Improved client relationships
  3. Better understanding of client needs
  4. Enhanced reputation

Should I use a formal or informal tone in consulting emails?

The tone you should use in consulting emails depends on several factors, including the nature of your relationship with the recipient, the purpose of the email, and your company's communication style.

In general, a more formal tone may be appropriate if you're communicating with a new client or a senior executive. Formal language and phrasing can convey respect, professionalism, and a sense of authority.

On the other hand, if you're communicating with a colleague or someone with whom you have an established relationship, a more informal tone may be appropriate. Informal language and phrasing can convey a sense of warmth, familiarity, and friendliness.

Regardless of your chosen tone, it's important to maintain a professional and respectful demeanor in your communication. Avoid using slang or overly casual language, and always proofread your email carefully before sending it to ensure that it is free from errors and typos.

What should I do if I don't receive a response to my consulting email?

If you don't receive a response to your consulting email, there are several steps you can take:

  1. Check your email again
  2. Follow up
  3. Try a different channel
  4. Be patient
  5. Revise your approach

How can I measure the effectiveness of my consulting emails?

Measuring the effectiveness of your consulting emails can help you to understand whether your communication strategy is working and identify areas for improvement. Here are some ways to measure the effectiveness of your consulting emails:

  1. One way to measure the effectiveness of your consulting emails is to track the open rates. This can give you an idea of how many people are actually reading your emails. You can use email tracking software to measure open rates.
  2. Click-through rates are another way to measure the effectiveness of your consulting emails. This metric measures how many people are clicking on links within your emails. This can help you understand which types of content resonate with your audience.
  3. Response rates are a measure of how many people are responding to your emails. This can give you an idea of your audience's engagement and whether your emails are prompting action.
  4. Suppose your consulting emails are designed to prompt a specific action, such as signing up for a service or attending an event. In that case, you can measure the conversion rate to see how many people are actually taking that action.
  5. Finally, you can measure your consulting emails' effectiveness by soliciting client feedback. This can help you understand whether your emails meet their needs and expectations.

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