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Launching your own project management consulting business

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Try Bonsai - Best Project Management Software
Try Bonsai - Best Project Management Software
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Updated on:
August 7, 2024
August 8, 2024
Try Bonsai - Best Project Management Software
Discover Bonsai all-in-one business management software.

Taking the leap into starting your own project management consulting business marks a significant move towards independence in the project management industry. With your firm, you're at the helm, setting project workflows, deadlines, and ensuring crisp project execution for timely delivery. Success revolves around your commitment to setting up shop, mastering project resource planning, and keeping projects on a steady progress track. 

As a project management consultant, you get to pull together and captain a project team, applying your unique strategies to project scheduling and forging a solid project management plan.

Understanding the basics of project management

Project management is the backbone of any business setup looking to execute tasks efficiently. As an independent project manager or a consultant, your role involves crafting a tight project management plan. This includes detailed project resource planning, defining smooth workflows, and sticking to deadlines. 


Collaboration is the glue in project delivery, with the team ensuring tasks are done timely and updates on progress are frequent. With a project management company in your corner, scheduling and execution flow seamlessly, proving essential to the project management industry.

Defining project management

Project Management is a critical discipline in the business realm, engaging skills, techniques, and tools to adeptly plan, initiate, run, monitor, and wrap up a project. It plays a crucial role in the project management industry, ensuring projects cross the finish line successfully. This scope covers project resource planning, scheduling, and monitoring ongoing progress. 

Whether as an independent manager or a consulting guru, you provide the needed expertise, working closely with your team to develop thorough project management plans, set workflows, and deadlines, securing successful project execution and delivery.

The role of a project manager

The role of a Project Manager is multifaceted and pivotal for project success. Whether flying solo or part of a project management firm, their duties span project resource planning, scheduling, and ensuring smooth delivery. They steer the project team, manage workflows, and see that deadlines are met. Actively monitoring progress, they adjust on the fly for streamlined execution. They might also double as consultants, offering sage advice on project management plans and strategies, playing a key role in aligning project direction with business goals.

Identifying the need for project management consulting

In any business setup, a point may come when the intricacies of project execution demand specialized assistance. This need surfaces when resource planning, scheduling, and managing workflows become too hefty for the team. 

At this juncture, roping in an independent project manager or engaging a project management firm is crucial. A project management consultant ensures the management plan is robust, elevating project progress and meeting deadlines for a successful delivery, thereby enhancing overall project management efficiency.

How to start a project management business with Bonsai

Starting a project management business can be an exciting and fulfilling journey, especially when you have the right tools at your fingertips. Bonsai, a versatile project management platform, provides a variety of features aimed at optimizing your workflow and boosting your productivity.

Whether you’re a professional service providers or managing a small or large agency, Bonsai can assist you in organizing tasks, tracking time, and managing administrative responsibilities effortlessly.

In this guide, we’ll take you through the key steps to establish your project management business using Bonsai, from identifying your niche and services to promoting your brand and tracking project progress. With Bonsai’s powerful features, you’ll be well-prepared to offer exceptional project management services and successfully expand your business.

1. Set up your Bonsai account

Begin by signing up for a Bonsai account and exploring its features. Bonsai offers tools for creating contracts, proposals, and invoices, which are essential for your business operations. Familiarize yourself with its time tracking and project management capabilities to streamline your workflow.

Signing up for Bonsai to collaborate with your team is straightforward. Here’s a quick guide:

  1. Visit the Bonsai Website and Create Your Account: Enter your email and create a password, or sign up with Google for quicker access.
  2. Invite Your Team: Navigate to the team section and send email invitations to your team members.
  3. Import Existing Clients and Projects: Bring in your existing clients and projects to keep everything organized.
  4. Start Collaborating: Use Bonsai’s features like shared workspaces, real-time updates, and integrated communication tools to streamline your workflow.
Link to Sign Up

2. Optimize resource allocation and planning

Use Bonsai to efficiently allocate resources for your projects. Ensure that each project has the necessary tools, personnel, and budget. This will help you manage multiple projects simultaneously without over committing and ensure that all projects are completed on time and within budget.

  • Organize your team's workload, establish capacity rates, assign team hours. Record time off.
  • Track workload in real time. Identify who’s overburdened instantly, make adjustments, and ensure projects stay within budget.
  • Track utilization & efficiency: Monitor resource usage and efficiency. Track each team member's profitability and time reports, and adjust as needed to stay within budget.
Link to Resourcing

3. Monitor project progress

Regularly monitor the progress of your projects using Bonsai. Create project folders to organize tasks, set deadlines, and track progress. Keep clients updated on project status through Bonsai’s platform, making adjustments as needed to stay on track.

  • Track billable hours seamlessly, allowing for clear cost analysis and accurate project budget management.
  • Bonsai's comprehensive reporting features let you analyze project progress, generating reports that include both billable and non-billable hours.
  • Real-time updates on project milestones and deadlines allow you to monitor progress closely and make proactive adjustments.
Link to Utilization Report

By following these steps, you can effectively start and manage your project management business with Bonsai.

Benefits of project management consulting

Project management consulting offers a slew of benefits. 

A consultant lends expert advice, guiding the project team through the maze of execution and delivery. They are versed in industry standards, strategies, and techniques, ensuring project progress is on point. Their independent expertise in resource planning, scheduling, and strategizing bolsters project workflows, meets deadlines, and drives successful outcomes. 

Moreover, consultants provide valuable insights for business setup and growth, contributing significantly to business success.

Industries that require project management consulting

Various industries call for the expertise of a project management consultant, an independent manager, or a company. Prime sectors include construction and engineering, IT and software development, and healthcare. These fields require guidance in resource planning, scheduling, and crafting comprehensive management plans. 

A consultant ensures smooth workflows, adherence to deadlines, and timely project delivery. They also monitor progress and aid in business setup within the industry, bringing their expertise to help teams navigate complex projects and boost efficiency.

Steps to start a project management consulting business


Starting a project management consulting business involves thoughtful planning and execution. An aspiring project management consultant should have industry-specific knowledge, management skills, and the ability to handle project workflows and meet project deadlines. 

A strong foundation in project resource planning and project scheduling will enable effective project progress tracking and project delivery.

Setting up your business involves a few steps:

  1. Establish the business setup legally and secure relevant licenses.
  2. Develop a comprehensive project management plan.
  3. Build a competent project team to handle diverse client needs.

Finally, carving a niche and reputation in the project management industry can open up numerous opportunities for your consulting business.

Creating a business plan

Starting a successful consulting business requires a solid project management plan. As an independent project manager, it’s crucial to understand project workflows, scheduling, resource planning, execution, and how they contribute to project delivery. These important aspects can be studied under a project management company or an experienced project management consultant.

Besides, keeping track of project progress is a key aspect of meeting project deadlines. The project team plays a vital role in business setup, ensuring the seamless operation of project tasks. Continuous learning and staying updated with project management industry trends also contribute to the success of your consulting business.

Registering your business

Starting your project management consultant firm involves several steps, the first of which is business setup. This process requires you to register your independent project manager enterprise or project management company with the appropriate government agencies.

Your business setup should also include a solid project management plan. This plan should detail project resource planning, project scheduling, project workflows, and measures to ensure project deadlines are met to facilitate project execution and delivery. Regular updates on project progress are also essential for effective management.

Registering your consulting business allows you to legally conduct business, protects your personal assets, and helps you gain credibility in the project management industry.

Setting up your office

Setting up your office as an independent project manager or a project management consultant requires careful planning. Key elements include a practical workspace, required technology, and project management tools. Proper project resource planning at this stage will lead to seamless project execution and delivery.

It is necessary to create a conducive environment for the project team. Keep project workflows, project scheduling, and tools for tracking project progress at your fingertips. The right workspace setup aids in meeting project deadlines and contributes to the growth of the project management industry.

Your business setup as a consulting business or project management company should be customer-friendly and conducive to optimal productivity. Remember, the right infrastructure and connective tools are key to efficient project management plan implementation.

Acquiring the necessary skills and certifications

As an aspiring independent project manager or project management consultant, it is crucial to acquire the relevant skills and certifications. This will not only build your credibility in the project management industry but will also hone your ability to design effective project management plans, oversee project teams, project scheduling to project deadlines, and ensure successful project execution.


Key certifications to consider may include Project Management Professional (PMP), Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM), and Agile Certified Practitioner (PMI-ACP). These qualifications are highly regarded across different business setups and consulting businesses.

Furthermore, becoming proficient in project resource planning, managing project workflows, and monitoring project progress and delivery are vital skills to master. This combination of certifications and skills will make you an asset for any project management company.

Essential skills for a project management consultant

Nailing it as a project management consultant hinges on a rock-solid understanding of project resource planning, project scheduling, and whipping up a meticulous project management plan. These skills are the bedrock that enables project teams to execute tasks efficiently and deliver projects on time. 

For those steering the ship solo as independent project managers, stellar leadership qualities are non-negotiable for effective monitoring and control of project progress. Knowing your way around project workflows and consistently meeting deadlines is also crucial for the success of any consulting venture in the bustling project management industry.

Importance of project management certifications

In the project management arena, certifications aren’t just nice-to-haves; they’re essential. They bolster the credibility and competency of consultants and independent project managers alike, proving to potential clients or employers that you’ve got what it takes. These credentials signal your prowess in handling the nuts and bolts of project management—from planning and scheduling to overseeing workflows. 

Especially in the competitive consulting business, having a Project Management Certification can catapult you ahead of the pack, affirming your proficiency across all project phases.

Top project management certifications to consider

Ready to boost your industry cred? Consider snagging one of these top-tier project management certifications:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP): The gold standard for project managers.
  • Certified Project Management Assistant (CPMA): Perfect for those knee-deep in resource planning or scheduling.
  • Lean Six Sigma: A must-have for those focused on executing and delivering projects with precision.

These aren’t just certificates; they’re your ticket to demonstrating in-depth expertise in developing robust project plans, managing workflows, and ensuring projects stay on track.

Choosing the right project management tools

Selecting the right tools is critical for any project manager or company aiming to streamline their operations. These tools should bolster your project resource planning, scheduling, and help keep tabs on progress. When choosing, prioritize tools that mesh well with your specific workflows and business setup. Opt for user-friendly interfaces that simplify adoption for your team, enhancing the odds of success in your consulting endeavors.

Features to look for in project management software

When picking project management software, zero in on features that bolster resource planning and efficient scheduling. The ideal software should help you craft a solid project management plan and keep a tight rein on deadlines. It should also facilitate seamless project execution and provide real-time progress updates to ensure timely delivery. 

Furthermore, the software should enhance management of project workflows, tailored to meet the needs of an independent project manager or consulting business, ensuring that day-to-day operations are smooth and goals are met.

Review of top project management tools: Bonsai, Trello, Asana, and Jira

The project management tool landscape is rich with options that drive efficiency and streamline workflows. Bonsai, Trello, Asana, and Jira stand out as front-runners:

Link to Project Management
  • Bonsai is a top pick for creatives and small and large businesses looking to streamline everything. It’s an all-in-one hub for managing clients, projects, and finances.
  • Trello thrives with its board-and-card system, perfect for scheduling and maintaining transparency in project progress.
  • Asana shines in resource planning, helping teams meet deadlines with finesse.
  • Jira is the go-to for tech-oriented project management consultants, known for its agile approach that nails project execution and delivery.

These tools are not just about managing tasks; they’re about empowering teams and enhancing project outcomes, making them indispensable in today’s project management toolkit.

Marketing your project management consulting business

Marketing your project management consulting business hinges on showcasing your mastery in project resource planning, scheduling, and workflow management. 

As an independent project manager, spotlight your track record of successful project deliveries and adherence to deadlines. This not only demonstrates your prowess in project execution but also boosts your stature in the project management industry. 

Effective management of your project team, coupled with a robust project management plan and regular updates on project progress, will solidify your reputation, keeping you relevant and competitive, thus attracting potential clients.

Building a strong online presence

In today's digital era, an impactful online presence is crucial for any project management consultant. Promote your skills in project execution, delivery, and progress tracking or monitoring visibly online to capture a broader audience. Modernizing your skills in project resource planning and scheduling, especially when juggling multiple roles within your team, is vital. 

A strong online showcase of your expertise in crafting well-structured project management plans and meeting deadlines enhances your credibility, playing a key role when you dive into the consulting business or set up a project management company.

Networking and building relationships

For project management consultants, forging robust relationships is key. Effective networking can unlock insights about project management planning, scheduling, and workflows, smoothing the path for seamless project execution. Positive relationships with project teams ease meeting deadlines and efficient project completion. 

Whether you’re part of a recognized project management company or running your own consulting business, these connections bolster project delivery, facilitate project progress monitoring, and aid in resource planning, thereby amplifying your business setup and career trajectory.

Setting your consulting fees

Determining your consulting fees is a pivotal step in establishing your consulting business. Consider the complexity of the project workflows, intricacies of your project management plan, and the scheduling and deadlines involved. Your rates should be competitive yet fair, reflecting your expertise and the value you bring, thereby attracting a proficient project team. Also, factor in the cost variations across different business setups to align your fees appropriately.

Factors to consider when setting your rates

When setting your rates, be cognizant of the project management industry pricing standards—know what companies charge and what clients are prepared to pay. 


Consider the complexity of project workflows, project delivery deadlines, and the extent of resource planning involved. These factors influence the effort required in project execution and should be mirrored in your pricing. Additionally, factor in your business setup costs, like overheads, to ensure your rates cover all expenses and still generate a profit.

Comparing pricing models: Hourly rate vs project-based fee

Choosing between an hourly rate and a project-based fee often depends on the project's clarity in scope and timeline. Hourly rates are suitable when project outlines are nebulous, ensuring compensation for all work performed. 

Conversely, project-based fees work best for projects with well-defined workflows and deadlines, with payment tied to project delivery. This choice largely depends on precise resource planning, effective project execution, and diligent progress monitoring, aligning with your business and consulting needs.

Managing your business operations

Managing your business operations effectively involves detailed planning, robust project execution, and adhering to deadlines. As a project management consultant, your role is invaluable in helping businesses craft management plans, assist with resource planning, and monitor project progress. 

Partnering with a project management company can be beneficial as they provide a specialized project team that can streamline workflows. From the inception of your business to ongoing project delivery, these experts ensure your consulting business operates smoothly in the competitive project management industry.

Keeping track of your finances

For project management consultants, meticulous financial tracking is essential for both project success and business viability. This includes budgeting for each phase of project execution and financially monitoring your project progress. Detailed project scheduling aids in meeting deadlines and ensures timely project delivery—both critical to your project's financial health. 

A well-devised project management plan, executed by a competent team, not only streamlines workflows but also enhances financial efficiency, making financial management a cornerstone of success in the project management industry.

Staying updated with industry trends

To maintain relevance and a competitive edge, it’s crucial for project management consultants and companies to stay abreast of the latest industry trends. This includes adopting the newest methods in resource planning, project workflows, updating scheduling techniques, and refining management plans. Keeping pace with industry changes can significantly boost your project team's performance and ensure successful project delivery, essential for navigating the evolving dynamics in the consulting business landscape.

Try Bonsai - Best Project Management Software
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