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Financial Management

Are you a freelancer who just received a chargeback? Learn what are chargebacks and how to prevent them. These tips will be a game-changer for your business!

Financial Management

Many business owners seem to find it difficult to decide between Venmo Business vs Venmo Personal. We’ll discuss that as well as some Venmo Alternatives too.

Financial Management

Explore Bonsai Banking - the integrated small business banking solution providing financial services for interior designers and other self-employed professionals

Financial Management

Struggling to price your architect services to perfection? Read on to learn how to attract clients with your pricing strategy without leaving too much on the table.

Financial Management

Curious about interior designer earnings? Find more info about how much interior designers make in this article

Financial Management

Have you ever wondered how much accountants charge for their services? This article will let you know all about how they structure their fees.

Financial Management

Want to receive payments online? Here are four ways you can do that in 2024.

Financial Management

Discover 30+ invoicing software options. Explore free invoicing software and choose the right invoicing app for your freelance or small business.

Financial Management

How much does a life coach charge exactly? Well, we'll go over the different pricing structures for the various services here in this article. From one-on-one coaching to monthly packages, we'll show you the market rates for life coaching services.

Financial Management

A common question asked by many business owners is: how many business bank accounts can you have? Well, technically, as many as you want. You just need to meet certain requirements. We'll discuss it in this article.

Financial Management

Should you open a business bank account? Why? Well, in this article, we'll go over the top reasons or benefits of having a business bank account. We'll show you how it can separate your business transactions, simplify your taxes, and help you better organize your funds.

Financial Management

Does a sole proprietor need a business checking account? Well, no. But in this article, we'll go over why it may be a good idea to have one. We'll review some of the benefits of having a separate account in case you get in trouble with the IRS.