Free HTML Invoice Template

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Are you looking to create an HTML invoice template?

In this age of online, fast-paced transactions, an invoice template is a simple and fuss-free way to send payment requests!

If you’ve been getting swamped with too many invoices at the end of each day, why not try HTML invoices?

In this article, we’ll explore:

  • What an HTML invoice is
  • Why having an invoice template is essential
  • Steps to creating a useful invoice template, as well as the elements you should include when making one
  • Defining the terms you’ll commonly see when making your HTML invoice.

Let’s dive right in!

What is an html invoice template?

Simply put, an HTML invoice template is a formal bill sent to clients – one that’s created through programming.

The biggest difference between HTML invoices and regular ones is that the latter often focuses a lot on the visual aspect, while HTML emphasizes the invoice’s functionality via coding.

That’s not to say that an invoice HTML template can’t look pretty — there are plenty of dynamic invoices created with HTML out there as well!

HTML invoice or invoice for HTML?

When working with HTML invoices, you may have encountered two similar (but slightly distinct) terms thrown around: an HTML invoice and an invoice for HTML.

What gives?

1. HTML invoice template

An HTML invoice template is a billing request made through HTML and often involves a variety of dynamic elements.

An HTML invoice template has become a popular option for many people, whether they’re freelancers or online businesses.

2. Invoice template for HTML freelancers

On the other hand, an invoice template for HTML is one that’s specially designed for HTML professionals.

They generally have a lot of similarities with other types of invoices, such as the freelancer and client’s names, the services performed or products delivered, unit prices, and quantity.

The importance of invoice templates for HTML professionals

Why exactly are invoice templates in HTML so important for this line of work?

It’s no secret that many HTML professionals have experienced a boon in demand, especially as technology has become a major part of everyone’s daily lives.

Having a template at the ready means there’s less time wasted on manually editing every invoice!

1. Streamlines billing process

Efficiency is always the name of the game, especially for HTML (and other similar) professionals.

When invoices can be quickly generated and sent to a client, valuable time can be spent on other more important tasks.

2. Ensures consistency and professionalism

First impressions matter – but so do final impressions!

Invoices are typically among the last things that a freelancer sends to their client after completing the work required, and nothing displays professionalism like a well-designed invoice.

3. Simplifies record-keeping and tracking

Having a template handy will keep all your transactions consistent, making them well-suited for automatic record-keeping.

This is especially useful for tax filing season as you won’t need to spend so much time organizing everything!

How to create an HTML invoice template in 9 steps

Excited to delve into the wonderful world of programming your invoices?

Here are the nine steps you need to follow to create invoice HTML templates that are straightforward, professional, and appealing!

Step 1: Your invoice has to look professional

This ties back to what we mentioned earlier: just because it’s an HTML invoice template doesn’t mean it shouldn’t look pretty or professional!

Programming the template actually provides plenty of space for you to create a design that rocks – so make sure to let that shine through!

Step 2: Mark your invoice

Here’s something many freelancers overlook: don’t forget to mark your invoice as an invoice.

It should be placed near the top of the document so your client can quickly figure out what you’re asking for at first glance.

Step 3: Add a unique invoice number

Before listing other details, a unique invoice number should be indicated first.

This will not only keep everything organized, but will also help make bookkeeping a breeze — whether that’s for verifying if you’ve already billed your client or for tax filing.

Step 4: Add your business information

Your clients should quickly be able to identify who’s sending them an invoice, and that’s why it’s vital to display your business details somewhere prominent. Don’t just leave them as an afterthought!

Step 5: Add essential dates

An invoice without dates isn’t exactly helpful; your clients may become confused about whether they’ve paid it if there’s no indication of when the invoice was even sent!

Step 6: Include the costs of services purchased

There’s no point in sending an invoice if you don’t include how much your client owes you.

Break down the cost as follows: the item, a brief description, the unit cost, the quantity of the item, and the total cost (unit cost multiplied by quantity).

Make sure to also display the final total due (the entire amount to be paid) at the bottom!

Step 7: State payment methods

By this stage, you’ll already have yourself a simple HTML invoice template.

Add to it further by providing available payment methods. Making the actual payment process convenient and hassle-free is something that will save time and ensure you’re paid quickly!

Step 8: Include payment due date

Don’t forget to include when the invoice is due. A due date creates a sense of urgency for the client, so make sure to set a reasonable and sufficient deadline.

You can also add a provision for late payment fees as this can protect your interests as a freelancer.

If you’re not comfortable with adding one during the invoicing process, consider giving your client a heads up before any work even takes place!

Step 9: Personalize the invoice with a thank you note

While an invoice shows a transactional relationship between you and the client, sending them a thank you note never hurts!

Benefits of using a great HTML invoice template

Why should you spend time making a HTML invoice form template? Here are the benefits that you’ll enjoy:

Professional appearance

An invoice template will help you maintain a professional appearance.

Clients will be constantly looking at how you present yourself and your business, so having a visually pleasing invoice is definitely an advantage.


When you have a pre-existing template, it’s much easier to send invoices quickly. As we’ve mentioned above, this will save valuable time for other, more important tasks.

Consistency in billing

Having an HTML invoice template makes your billing a lot more consistent in terms of appearance, frequency, and details.

Using a template means your client will know who they’re working with at a glance!

Easy customization

Just because it’s a template doesn’t mean you can’t switch it up! This is especially true for HTML templates, where you can easily reflect any special accommodations you’ve made for the client on the invoice.

Improved organization

A template means all your financial filings will be identical, so you can quickly isolate details such as the date, invoice number, and client information. This will keep your records as organized as possible.

Error reduction

With a template, you’ll reducing the risk of committing errors when it comes to the items, clients, and amounts — especially if you’re generating a large number invoices in a short period.

Compatibility across platforms

One of the most powerful advantages of HTML invoices is that they’re accessible on virtually any platform.

You can display them on webpages, create an HTML template for PDF, or make invoice templates HTML (these work especially well).

Enhanced client experience

When invoice processing is smooth on the client’s end, they’ll have a much better impression of your business.

And if there’s one thing that HTML invoice templates are great at, it’s making sure everyone has an easy time collecting and sending payments!

Compliance with legal standards

Just like other types of invoice templates, HTML invoice templates will help to keep you compliant with regulations in your country such as tax reporting.

Simplified tracking and reporting

When you use a template, everything will be more consistent – helping you to create a tracking and bookkeeping system that won’t make you want to pull your hair out! You’ll be able to find all the details you need with just a glance.

HTML invoice vs HTML quotation

If you’ve worked with HTML, you’ve probably encountered the term “HTML quotation” as well.

They’re used by freelancers and businesses alike, but just how are they different to HTML invoices?

HTML invoice

Request for payment

The primary reason for sending invoices is to request payment for products or services you’ve provided.

That’s why invoices feature total amounts due, itemized lists of products or services, and accepted payment methods.

Reflects finalized details

An invoice is one of the last things you’ll send to a client. As such, it should only reflect finalized details of the items, prices, and costs.

Legally binding document

An invoice sets the stage for a legal relationship between you and your client, especially when a contract is in effect.

If the client refuses to pay the invoice, legal remedies will typically be available to you.

Includes taxes and additional charges

Since invoices are payment requests, they include taxes and other additional charges such as service fees or late payment penalties sa well.

HTML quotation

Estimate for services or products

Unlike an invoice, a quotation only provides estimates for how much your client would have to pay if they received certain products or services.

Subject to change and negotiation

If a client receives a quotation, they can refuse it outright! Typically, the client will want to negotiate terms such as a reduced cost (especially if buying in bulk) or a faster delivery time.

Once you and the client have agreed on terms, it’s usually followed by a contract.

Not legally binding

By itself, a quotation isn’t legally binding. It can, however, be used as the basis for an eventual contractual relationship between you and the client!

May not include all additional charges

Quotations only include estimates for costs for a product or service. It might not include other charges related to tax, or any other related fees. Still, it’s a good idea to let your potential client know of these ahead of time!

Creating an HTML invoice template is simple with Bonsai

Creating an HTML invoice template requires a lot of programming skills, and can of course take up a lot of time.

Although you could go and create your own template, why go through the trouble when you can rely on Bonsai’s extensive invoicing solutions?

Not only will you have gorgeously simple HTML invoices that look professional, but there’s also no coding involved!

You’ll be able to enjoy all of the benefits of a great HTML invoice while not having to build it from scratch.

How else can Bonsai help? We can also automatically generate and send invoices, remind clients about their payments, and set up late fees for invoices that are past due.

With Bonsai, invoicing becomes a lot more intuitive and efficient. It just works!

HTML invoice glossary

Pro forma invoice

Essentially, proforma invoices are an initial invoice. They’re far more detailed than quotes and communicate to the client that you’ll deliver your products or services at a certain time.

Since you haven’t delivered the goods yet, an invoice can’t be sent; in its place, a proforma invoice is used.

Net terms

If you set a due date for the full payment after a certain length of time, that’s known as a net term.

For example, setting a “net 30” term means you’d like the client to pay the full amount within 30 days of receiving the invoice.

Late fee

As the name implies, late fees are additional charges that serve as a penalty for the client’s failure to pay an invoice on time!


Retainerships create long-term commitments between you and the client. That means your business together isn’t just a one-off thing. When you enter a retainer agreement with a client, you’ll typically send them recurring invoices.

Time tracking

If you’re a freelancer working at a per-hour rate, your client might request that you use a time-tracking tool. This simply logs your activity and shows your client how long exactly you’ve worked on each project.

Recurring invoice

Recurring invoices mean that you’re requesting payment from a client on a regular basis.

How long a payment cycle lasts depends on your agreement, but common lengths include a week or a month.

Line item

A line item is any individual and specific item that’s included in an invoice.

For example, when listing the products and services you provided to the client, each unique product you’ve enumerate is considered a line item.


If you’re a retailer, the markup is how much you add to the product’s original price before selling it to another person. A markup exists to net you a profit.

Accounts receivable (AR)

Usually a term used by businesses, accounts receivable denotes all of the money you stand to gain. These include all the invoices you’ve sent to clients that have yet to be paid.


If a client is unsatisfied with a product or service after they’ve paid you, they may request a chargeback. You’ll often hear this term used with credit card transactions.

As this reverses the transaction, you should try to prevent this from happening as much as you can!

Free HTML Invoice Template
Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about this template.

Why should you add late fees to HTML invoices?

The objective of a late fee is to protect your interests as a freelancer. Generally, you’d like to receive timely payments – and to encourage this, late payment fees are typically imposed on a client when they fail to pay you in full after a certain date. However, it’s understandable why this might be a source of tension in your professional relationship. To avoid this, make sure to communicate late fees ahead of time.

What's the best format to choose for your invoice?

When deciding on the best format for invoices, a top consideration is whether it’s viewable on a variety of platforms. Whether your client is checking the invoice on their phone, desktop, or tablet, the invoice should still look professional. To achieve this, use HTML invoices or even PDFs — they’ll get the job done.

What's the best free invoice template?

Due to its versatility, HTML templates are highly effective! HTML invoices are a good choice regardless of your line of work or the nature of your professional relationship with a client. If you’re looking to explore other invoice templates, Bonsai has an extensive directory that you can search through!