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Financial Management

If you are a startup looking for the best banking solution for your growing business, then tune into this article. We'll compare the banking options for your startup and the different features available.

Financial Management

Read our reviews of the 7 best bank accounts to open in Florida. We'll walk you through all the things you need to keep in mind when looking for a business bank account such as fees, requirements or interest.

Financial Management

Freelance done right is professional, and how you invoice clients is important. In just 7 steps, ensure your invoicing is right. You'll have more time for work.

Financial Management

Here are some tips on how to bill clients for your consulting services.

Financial Management

If you are looking for the best business bank account with sub accounts, read more here. We'll show you why Bonsai Cash is the all-in-one business bank account with subfolders you'll need to organize your finances.

Financial Management

Get to know the rates of more than 100,000 freelancers and use that data as an asset when negotiating new contracts.

Financial Management

Many business owners ask if opening a business bank account impacts credit score? Well, no. This is because you will not be dealing with credit to build history. We'll dive deeper on this topic

Financial Management

If you would like to know what the best business bank accounts for LLC owners is, then pay close attention. In this article, we'll review the top 7 and let you in on what you should look for in a business checking account.

Financial Management

Looking for alternatives to Expensify? Well, this article will break down the top rated Expensify alternatives for business expense tracking. We'll let you know which apps are the best for your fit as well as our #1 rated tracker.

Financial Management

Discover how to ask for payment in an email in just 3 steps. Download our 5 email templates and use them right away.

Financial Management

If you are looking for a debit card for your freelance business, then try a one of these bank accounts. We'll review the different features of each, the different benefits of a business account, and show you the best freelancer bank account on the market.

Financial Management

If you are in the market for an online bank account, try Bonsai Cash. Our business bank account is virtually guaranteed and comes at no cost. It's a no-brainer to open!