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Free Timesheet Template (PDF)

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Date: March 8th 2023



Acme LLC.

Corporation Corp.

This Contract is between Client (the "Client") and Acme LLC, a California limited liability company (the "Coach").

The Contract is dated January 23, 2023.


1.1 Project. The Client is hiring the Coach to develop a coaching relationship between the Client and Coach in order to cultivate the Client's personal, professional, or business goals and create a plan to achieve those goals through stimulating and creative interactions with the ultimate result of maximizing the Client's personal or professional potential.

1.2 Schedule. The Coach will begin work on February 1, 2023 and will continue until the work is completed. This Contract can be ended by either Client or Coach at any time, pursuant to the terms of Section 4, Term and Termination.

The Coach and Client will meet by video conference, 4 days per month for 2 hours.

1.3 Payment. The Client will pay the Coach an hourly rate of $150. Of this, the Client will pay the Coach $500.00 (USD) before work begins.

1.4 Expenses. The Client will reimburse the Coach's expenses. Expenses do not need to be pre-approved by the Client.

1.5 Invoices. The Coach will invoice the Client in accordance with the milestones in Section 1.3. The Client agrees to pay the amount owed within 15 days of receiving the invoice. Payment after that date will incur a late fee of 1.0% per month on the outstanding amount.

1.6 Support. The Coach will not be available by telephone, or email in between scheduled sessions.


- A coaching relationship is a partnership between two or more individuals or entities, like a teacher-student or coach-athlete relationship. Both the Client and Coach must uphold their obligations for the relationship to be successful.

- The Coach agrees to maintain the ethics and standards of behavior established by the International Coaching Federation (ICF).

- The Client acknowledges and agrees that coaching is a comprehensive process that may explore different areas of the Client's life, including work, finances, health, and relationships.

- The Client is responsible for implementing the insights and techniques learned from the Coach.


3.1 Overview. This section contains important promises between the parties.

3.2 Authority To Sign. Each party promises to the other party that it has the authority to enter into this Contract and to perform all of its obligations under this Contract.

3.3 Coach Has Right To Give Client Work Product. The Coach promises that it owns the work product, that the Coach is able to give the work product to the Client, and that no other party will claim that it owns the work product. If the Coach uses employees or subcontractors, the Coach also promises that these employees and subcontractors have signed contracts with the Coach giving the Coach any rights that the employees or subcontractors have related to the Coach's background IP and work product.

3.4 Coach Will Comply With Laws. The Coach promises that the manner it does this job, its work product, and any background IP it uses comply with applicable U.S. and foreign laws and regulations.

3.5 Work Product Does Not Infringe. The Coach promises that its work product does not and will not infringe on someone else's intellectual property rights, that the Coach has the right to let the Client use the background IP, and that this Contract does not and will not violate any contract that the Coach has entered into or will enter into with someone else.

3.7 Client-Supplied Material Does Not Infringe. If the Client provides the Coach with material to incorporate into the work product, the Client promises that this material does not infringe on someone else's intellectual property rights.


This Contract is ongoing until it expires or the work is completed. Either party may end this Contract for any reason by sending an email or letter to the other party, informing the recipient that the sender is ending the Contract and that the Contract will end in 7 days. The Contract officially ends once that time has passed. The party that is ending the Contract must provide notice by taking the steps explained in Section 9.4. The Coach must immediately stop working as soon as it receives this notice unless the notice says otherwise.

If either party ends this Contract before the Contract automatically ends, the Client will pay the Contractor for the work done up until when the Contract ends. The following sections don't end even after the Contract ends: 3 (Representations); 6 (Confidential Information); 7 (Limitation of Liability); 8 (Indemnity); and 9 (General).


The Client is hiring the Coach as an independent contractor. The following statements accurately reflect their relationship:

- The Coach will use its own equipment, tools, and material to do the work.

- The Client will not control how the job is performed on a day-to-day basis. Rather, the Coach is responsible for determining when, where, and how it will carry out the work.

- The Client will not provide the Coach with any training.

- The Client and the Coach do not have a partnership or employer-employee relationship.

- The Coach cannot enter into contracts, make promises, or act on behalf of the Client.

- The Coach is not entitled to the Client's benefits (e.g., group insurance, retirement benefits, retirement plans, vacation days).

- The Coach is responsible for its own taxes.

- The Client will not withhold social security and Medicare taxes or make payments for disability insurance, unemployment insurance, or workers compensation for the Coach or any of the Coach's employees or subcontractors.


6.1 Overview. This Contract imposes special restrictions on how the Client and the Coach must handle confidential information. These obligations are explained in this section.

6.2 The Client's Confidential Information. While working for the Client, the Coach may come across, or be given, Client information that is confidential. This is information like customer lists, business strategies, research & development notes, statistics about a website, and other information that is private. The Coach promises to treat this information as if it is the Coach's own confidential information. The Coach may use this information to do its job under this Contract, but not for anything else. For example, if the Client lets the Coach use a customer list to send out a newsletter, the Coach cannot use those email addresses for any other purpose. The one exception to this is if the Client gives the Coach written permission to use the information for another purpose, the Coach may use the information for that purpose, as well. When this Contract ends, the Coach must give back or destroy all confidential information, and confirm that it has done so. The Coach promises that it will not share confidential information with a third party, unless the Client gives the Coach written permission first. The Coach must continue to follow these obligations, even after the Contract ends. The Coach's responsibilities only stop if the Coach can show any of the following: (i) that the information was already public when the Coach came across it; (ii) the information became public after the Coach came across it, but not because of anything the Coach did or didn't do; (iii) the Coach already knew the information when the Coach came across it and the Coach didn't have any obligation to keep it secret; (iv) a third party provided the Coach with the information without requiring that the Coach keep it a secret; or (v) the Coach created the information on its own, without using anything belonging to the Client.

6.3 Third-Party Confidential Information. It's possible the Client and the Coach each have access to confidential information that belongs to third parties. The Client and the Coach each promise that it will not share with the other party confidential information that belongs to third parties, unless it is allowed to do so. If the Client or the Coach is allowed to share confidential information with the other party and does so, the sharing party promises to tell the other party in writing of any special restrictions regarding that information.


Neither party is liable for breach-of-contract damages that the breaching party could not reasonably have foreseen when it entered this Contract.


8.1 Overview. This section transfers certain risks between the parties if a third party sues or goes after the Client or the Coach or both. For example, if the Client gets sued for something that the Coach did, then the Coach may promise to come to the Client's defense or to reimburse the Client for any losses.

8.2 Client Indemnity. In this Contract, the Coach agrees to indemnify the Client (and its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees, and agents) from and against all liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) related to a third-party claim or proceeding arising out of: (i) the work the Coach has done under this Contract; (ii) a breach by the Coach of its obligations under this Contract; or (iii) a breach by the Coach of the promises it is making in Section 3 (Representations).

8.3 Coach Indemnity. In this Contract, the Client agrees to indemnify the Coach (and its affiliates and their directors, officers, employees, and agents) from and against liabilities, losses, damages, and expenses (including reasonable attorneys' fees) related to a third-party claim or proceeding arising out of a breach by the Client of its obligations under this Contract.


9.1 Assignment​. This Contract applies only to the Client and the Coach. Neither the Client nor the Coach can assign its rights or delegate its obligations under this Contract to a third-party (other than by will or intestate), without first receiving the other's written permission.

9.2 Arbitration. As the exclusive means of initiating adversarial proceedings to resolve any dispute arising under this Contract, a party may demand that the dispute be resolved by arbitration administered by the American Arbitration Association in accordance with its commercial arbitration rules.

9.3 Modification; Waiver. To change anything in this Contract, the Client and the Coach must agree to that change in writing and sign a document showing their contract. Neither party can waive its rights under this Contract or release the other party from its obligations under this Contract, unless the waiving party acknowledges it is doing so in writing and signs a document that says so.

9.4. Noticies.

(a) Over the course of this Contract, one party may need to send a notice to the other party. For the notice to be valid, it must be in writing and delivered in one of the following ways: personal delivery, email, or certified or registered mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested). The notice must be delivered to the party's address listed at the end of this Contract or to another address that the party has provided in writing as an appropriate address to receive notice.

(b) The timing of when a notice is received can be very important. To avoid confusion, a valid notice is considered received as follows: (i) if delivered personally, it is considered received immediately; (ii) if delivered by email, it is considered received upon acknowledgement of receipt; (iii) if delivered by registered or certified mail (postage prepaid, return receipt requested), it is considered received upon receipt as indicated by the date on the signed receipt. If a party refuses to accept notice or if notice cannot be delivered because of a change in address for which no notice was given, then it is considered received when the notice is rejected or unable to be delivered. If the notice is received after 5:00pm on a business day at the location specified in the address for that party, or on a day that is not a business day, then the notice is considered received at 9:00am on the next business day.

9.5 Severability. This section deals with what happens if a portion of the Contract is found to be unenforceable. If that's the case, the unenforceable portion will be changed to the minimum extent necessary to make it enforceable, unless that change is not permitted by law, in which case the portion will be disregarded. If any portion of the Contract is changed or disregarded because it is unenforceable, the rest of the Contract is still enforceable.

9.6 Signatures. The Client and the Coach must sign this document using Bonsai's e-signing system. These electronic signatures count as originals for all purposes.

9.7 Governing Law. The validity, interpretation, construction and performance of this document shall be governed by the laws of the United States of America.

9.8 Entire Contract. This Contract represents the parties' final and complete understanding of this job and the subject matter discussed in this Contract. This Contract supersedes all other contracts (both written and oral) between the parties.



Acme LLC.

Corporation Corp.
Table of contents

It’s important to learn how to manage your freelancing workload better. The fact that you run a consultancy doesn’t mean that you should take all responsibilities. No, you should learn when to stop and do something different. Otherwise, you could expose yourself to health risks that eventually make you incapable of working or putting in the required level of productivity. Doing the same thing for a long time may just drain you and you may not achieve much as a freelancer.

It’s possible to manage your time and probably stick to your schedule, but you need something that will keep you on the track. One solution to that is to use a timesheet template (PDF). Make the template mandatory in your office.

Timesheet Template PDF
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Below are different ways the template can help you to manage your workload well.

1. Forget multitasking with the timesheet template PDF

It’s important to learn to perform different roles in your consultancy. The need for that goes a notch or two higher when you operate alone. However, you also have to know when to multitask and when to stop. Otherwise, you could find yourself with a huge workload that makes it harder to give your best in any project. You may think you’re good at doing it all at once, but you could just be tearing down your freelance business.

Of course, the result of this is that your clients will suffer, and when they suffer, your business will not thrive as much as you would have wanted. By incorporating timesheet template PDF in your business, you get to run your projects smoothly without necessarily having to multitask. At least, you can allocate each task some time to handle them systematically.

2. Prioritizing work with the timesheet template in PDF format

The timesheet template (PDF) offers you incredible information. It points to you the work that you give most of your attention and time. Through the template, you can learn to prioritize work. Sometimes you have lots of work to handle, and not unless you list them in the order in which they should be submitted, you may end up disappointing your client.

Of course, that’s the last thing you’d want to happen as it would put your freelance business at risk. None of your clients deserves you when you operate in second or third gear. They all deserve you when you operate in first gear. They all deserve the best that you have to offer. However, this would only be possible if you plan your daily tasks well and early using this template.

Prioritizing work exposes you to benefits that include:

  • Providing you – and your subcontractors – with a guideline to follow
  • Increasing everybody’s efficiency and productivity

So, get a timesheet template PDF to help you deliver your client’s projects at the agreed time.

3. Embrace flexibility and adaptability with the timesheet template

There are moments when freelancers have to learn to be more flexible. At such moments, freelancing experts also have to learn to be more adaptable. This could be difficult to achieve. Every project comes with its demands, and, therefore, sticking to a particular routine may not be easy at first.

However, you can do it by following the timesheet religiously. After all, you’re your own boss by working as a freelancer. Consequently, you have the right to take a different approach. Freelancing businesses must be more flexible and adaptable than before.

You could change the tasks and do something different if you feel inadequate or tired now. However, that’s only possible with a timesheet template PDF.

4. Investing in planning software with the timesheet template

It doesn’t help to rely on manual systems to plan your daily chores. Consultants have to embrace the efficiency that technology has brought to the industry. For this reason, it’s good to find and use the best planning software. Electronic software can be a huge advantage to you. The software helps you to stay on track.

The timesheet template (PDF) is an example of the sort of software your business needs to eradicate wastes, forgetfulness and non-priority tasks, which you encounter on a daily basis as a freelancer. Not unless you’ve got something in place to make the planning easier, you may end up wasting a lot of time. Remember, in the freelance world, time is an important factor. So, invest in a timesheet template PDF to make your planning easy and accurate.

Timesheet Template PDF Sample
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5. Improved communication and clarity with the timesheet template

In today’s world, one needs to be an excellent communicator too. You have to learn to clarify issues to your clients and the staff working at your consultancy too. The timesheet template (PDF) provides you with the kind of data that you can use to communicate with all the relevant individuals properly and more efficiently. Check the clock. Be cognizant of the deadlines.

Let clients know clearly and concisely whether you will finish the project on time, which is very important. We are all human, and sometimes, we may not meet the set deadlines. But that doesn’t mean we wait until we are late so that we start giving excuses to the client. With a timesheet template PDF in place, you can let your client know in advance that you’ll be late in submitting the task. In that way, you build trust in them.

6. Clear difficult tasks first with the timesheet template in PDF format

Lastly, learn to start with the most difficult tasks first. Focus on what’s not enjoyable to do then transition your way into the stuff you love doing. Get the hard stuff out of the way when you’re still fresh and up for the challenge. While, it may not be interesting to do this, getting daunting tasks behind you will make the job easier for you. Be sure to list the hard tasks first in your timesheet template PDF and commit yourself to finishing them before you move to the simpler ones.

The easier projects you can set aside for later. Again, let the timesheet template (PDF) show that you’re prioritizing the harder tasks and projects. Afterward, you would have enough fuel in your tank to breeze through the remaining work, which you could just finish within a short time.

Do you manage employees with the timesheet?

The timesheet template PDF can be a useful tool for measuring and understanding employee workload. It’s not enough to measure this aspect. One has to go further to identify solutions too. It’s impossible to recommend or seek solutions for a problem that you are yet to understand clearly. That is where the timesheet can prove its worth and usefulness. A good entrepreneur always seeks to help employees to overcome any workload they consider burdensome.

A timesheet template PDF shows how much work each employee handles at any given moment. By going through each of your employees’ timesheet, you get to know the tasks they’re handling at a particular time. This piece of information proves crucial in ascertaining who is on the verge of work overload or burnout. In this way, you would know where to chip in and help your employees.

Again, multitasking should be discouraged in the workplace if it’s proven as one of the factors that lead to burnout and work overload. Employees need encouragement to focus only on 1-2 tasks at any given moment. Only the timesheet would help you to see all this and institute changes early enough. Make sure you monitor your employees’ timesheets from time to time to be updated on what they’re doing at each particular time.

Timesheet Template PDF Example
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1. Prioritize the most important tasks with your timesheet sample

It’s good to encourage workers to prioritize certain jobs or tasks. They should sit down at the start of the day to plan how they intend to spend their time. Go through their timesheets to discover whether they are doing this correctly. Study the timesheets to check that each worker is not overworked and burnt out with work that’s not a priority. The onus is on you to train them on what needs attention first.

Everything else can wait until later in the day. So, make sure each timesheet is well organized and straight to the point. Let each employee list down the tasks they’re going to handle in the, starting with the most urgent ones. If you feel your employees aren’t organizing their timesheets properly, take time to educate them about it.

2. Be flexible and adaptable with your timesheet sample PDF

Embrace flexibility and adaptability. Be flexible with all the issues you see emerging at the workplace, especially based on the information you obtain from the timesheets. As the manager, you owe it to your staff to listen attentively to what they have to say. Sit down with those who consider the timesheet implementation a success.

Some of your employees may be struggling to implement the timesheet, and they need help to be at par with the rest. Talk with those who are still struggling and try to understand their difficulties and address them adequately. Apply flexibility and adaptability based on the stories they tell you regarding their successes, failures and overall work environment. In this way, you’ll be working with a productive workforce.

3. Automate the process with your timesheet sample in PDF format

Automation is a key ingredient of improved workplace performance and morale. Automate the processes associated with the timesheets. Find ways of automating the timesheet template PDF to avoid a situation where employees enter their details manually, as that approach is prone to abuse and errors. Humans is to err, and they too can make mistakes while handling the timesheets.

So, add an electronic planner to the list of tools the employees use to avoid such errors. The electronic planner allows all members of your team to see all the details of the project that your office is currently working on and handle the given tasks as required.

You may need to incorporate paper and electronic daily planners in the office, which you can best achieve through a timesheet.

4. Communicate and clarify matters with your timesheet template

You can do a lot with proper communication and clarification of ideas and thoughts. Remember, as a team, you need to talk from time to time to address the issues that are arising at the workplace.It’s your duty as a consultant to make this work. So, make a point of meeting with the team regularly to talk about issues arising from work and the possible solutions to these problems.

Learn from them, as they too play an important role in your freelance business. Offer solutions to the problems they highlight as soon as they arise without procrastination. Encourage them to also share or communicate with you whenever they experience challenges in the course of work. Make yourself approachable. Make your office easily accessible to discourage the habit of filling the timesheet template PDF with inaccurate details so as to appear honest when the opposite is true.

Timesheet Template PDF
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5. Be reasonable with your expectations when using a timesheet template

Exercise a bit of reason in the office too. Avoid a situation where you brush off the concerns the team brings to you. Some aspects of the project are outside your control. However, the workload assigned to each member of your team is within your control. Know your team better to understand how much work each member can handle at a time. Be reasonable with your expectations too to avoid setting the team up for a massive failure. Know the individual capabilities of each member of your team.

Lastly, assign the difficult tasks first. The timesheet template PDF should be full of these tasks initially.

Take these measures to protect your team from work overload and burnout.

Frequently Asked Questions
Questions about this template.

Does Word have a timesheet template?

Word has a timesheet template you can use, however, if you are looking for an easier option, try Bonsai. Bonsai has a printable timesheet that includes editable spaces for employee and supervisor signatures.

What are 4 types of timesheets?

Here are the 4 different types of timesheets: standard timesheet, techno timesheet, weekly timesheet, express timesheet.

How do I create a PDF timesheet?

Begin by customizing one of Bonsai's timesheet templates. Edit the necessary fields to time track and you could download the sheet as a PDF. Our sheet will automatically calculate the total hours and cost after you've inserted the necessary details.

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Free Timesheet Template (PDF)

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Acme LLC.
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Corporation Corp.
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Acme LLC.
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Corporation Corp.