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#Marketing yourself


Grow your freelance business - learn how to ask for referrals in just 5 steps with our guide to asking for referrals. 5 bonus sample referral email included!


Building a freelance portfolio website helps market your services, establish authority, and boost your online presence. Our 10 step guide is here to help you.


Learn how to make an email signature look professional in just 8 steps. Discover what works and what to avoid in your email signature.


Discover the differences between UX and UI, how to master each position, and why your design role is vital for your client’s user experience.


Everything you should know about putting your freelance design portfolio together for the first time, as well as polishing up your existing portfolio for the best possible presentation!


Email content is important, but how do you sign off? Choose from 50 of the best email sign offs and discover which to avoid.


Having a complete, clean, and descriptive online portfolio is key to getting inbound work requests. Here is what to build a stellar one.


Asking for feedback from clients may seem daunting, but it can help grow your freelance business. Use this 5-step guide to get the feedback you deserve.


If you are a life coach who wants to get certified, read this. We'll review and compare all of the different life coach certification costs so you can pick which one is right for you.


These days, a photographer bio is key. We’re here to guide you through the steps of creating a truly winning bio to attract more clients.


Wondering how to find your niche in the crowded digital photography world? Discover 40 types of photographers to choose from and stay competitive.


Saying thank-you does a whole lot for business relationships. Find out how to thank a client for their business - 5 strategies to boost brand loyalty and more.